As India heads to commend its 75 years of freedom,
we should trace all the way back to its importance, history and that's only the tip of the iceberg.
Autonomy Day connotes India's for quite some time battled triumph and helps us to remember the fearless people who laid their lives during the opportunity battle.
India was freed from the abusive rule of the English Domain in 1947. The whole nation notices Autonomy Day to remember opportunity.
To remember the 75th freedom day the Government sent off 'Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav'
with the target to reproduce and recharge the enthusiastic enthusiasm of the freedom development and to review the commitment of the political dissidents,
the unrecognized yet truly great individuals of India's autonomy, to highlight and impart a deep satisfaction in the nation's accomplishments and to shape a dream and guide for India's future.
ABOUT Tricolor
-A goal was passed during the Indian National Congress meeting in Vijayawada to embrace the Tricolor as India's National Flag
-In 1921, Pingali Venkayya introduced another form of the National Flag to FAther of the nation . The variant introduced by Venkayya to Mahatma Gandhi had two stripes - - green and red, and the Gandhian charkha at the middle.
-Mahatma Gandhi recommended Venkayya to include a white stripe top and this turned into the first Tricolor.