The Crypto Investment Principles!
Hi Readers,
It is so delightful for me to meet you all once again through this article.
I am going to share some of the important points one should understand and practice in the perspective of investments.
As you all know there is no exact and straight forward formula to attain great reap of profits in any financial markets that also applies to the Crypto Investment too.
But there are certain discipline ways that we are going to see which can propel you to gain more reap.
1. Enter the market with a goal:
Many have entered the markets to get rich quicker. But this is a bad frame of mind and most of them failed this. One should enter into the market with a long term perspective. The investment would definitely grow and fetch you heavy rewards in the long run. I am not saying that you should not book your profit often. In the Cyrpto space with the high volatility, whenever you satisfy with a margin of profit, just book it and accumulate the profits. This would be evident on a year on year, your portfolio would grow. Mark my words!
2. Always explore the potential points for your investments:
Market always gives you ample opportunities to invest & make profits with its movements either sides. You should understand clearly on where to enter and where to exit. If you bought it at a higher rate and markets dumps heavily, consider the Dollar Cost Average (DCA). Always don't put all your investment in once. Keep it in parts and do wise investment options.
3. Do we participate in Swing Trades?
Yes, of course. This would once such opportunity that market gives you. Participate in the Swing trades to reap the profits. And you should always look and plan for short term, long term investments with specific target prices.
4. Research and gain knowledge
I would suggest you to always research the market, read various expert articles, know the trading points and technicalities. The world wide happenings would also make significant movements in the markets. Now, there are abundant resources that are freely available in the internet. Make the most use of it and keep you updated.
5. Take risk - get rewards:
Always take considerable risks according to your limit. There would always be the matching rewards. I would as you have entered into the financial markets, you are transformed as a risk taker. But you should not take over risk by yourself. Take calculated risk.
6. Use technology tool always
Most of us cannot able to monitor the market 24 x 7. Hence, use appropriate tools such as Stop Loss and important features that are offered by the Service Providers. In recent times, trading with bots emerged a very good developmental model. There are various parameters in which the trading bots are configured. Do understand and use it. With my experience, the rewards are handsome. Don't keep the Cryptos are idle always!. Just transfer this to a productive assets for shorter times. Many exchanges are giving high APR rates for your cryptos too which would make extra profit for you.
7. Be patience and with Disciplined Qualities
The most important and successful quality during trade is to have patience. Discipline, continuous, consistency, keep hope, profit book, invest in time, take decisions, don't be greed, satisfy with what you achieved, aim for short term, medium term and long term are the secret words that you always have in your mind and translate into action.
8. Multi Strategic Approach
Don't use and adopt a single strategy always. Use multiple investment strategies as per your investment portfolio which would excel the return on profits.
So, I urge you to adopt these friends and stay in profits always.