Blockchain Technology in Supply Chain

3 Jan 2024

The technological
changes in recent years have played a major role in changing the rules in
business life. After technological innovations such as autonomous tools, the
Internet of Things, and industry 4.0, the new issue that has emerged with
crypto money today is Blockchain technology. A blockchain technology is a
peer-to-peer digital ledger of transactions that may be publicly or privately
distributed to all users and therefore is said to be decentralized and
distributed. The most important feature that distinguishes block-chain-based
technologies from other technologies is that it has a special algorithm without
being connected to any center. Therefore, this technology makes a significant
difference in supplying fast, secure and accurate information flow among supply
chain members. Reducing the costs and time that arise in the supply chain, it
provides significant advantages to enterprises such as the transparency of the
operations performed. The purpose of this study is; to explain the block chain
technology and to contribute to supply chain processes and stakeholders. In
this context, the study is considered as literature review. The study is
important in terms of contributing to the relevant literature in basic level.

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