Where Dreams Go to Die

11 Oct 2024

In the quiet hours of deepening dusk,
Where shadows play on walls of rust,
A whisper comes from distant skies—
A place where every dream must die.
Beneath the weight of endless night,
Where hope is thin, and fear takes flight,
The roads are paved with silver scars,
The remnants of what once were stars.
The air is thick with broken sighs,
The echoes of forgotten tries,
Each one a story lost in time,
A poet’s word, a silent rhyme.
They say this is where dreams go to fade,
In caverns dark, in forests made
Of twisted limbs and barren trees,
Where winds howl out like restless seas.

A River of Dreams

There is a river, cold and wide,
Where dreams, like leaves, in currents glide.
Some drift for miles before they sink,
Consumed by doubt, by fear, by ink.
The waters glow with pale moonlight,
Reflecting lives left out of sight.
Each ripple tells of paths not tread,
Of lovers lost, of words unsaid.
Beneath the surface, shadows creep,
Of wishes buried far too deep.
They pull them down with heavy hands,
And drag them to forgotten lands.
But some still fight, with breath held tight,
They claw their way into the night,
Hoping still to reach the shore,
To find the dream they’d dreamed before.

The Graveyard of Aspirations

The hills are filled with endless graves,
Of those who once were strong and brave.
Ambition lies beneath the stone,
Each one a king who lost his throne.
The tombs are marked with empty names,
The victims of life’s cruel games,
A chessboard full of broken pawns,
Their crowns turned into weathered thorns.
Above, the skies are weeping rain,
As if to mourn the wasted pain.
Each drop a tear for dreams that bled,
For chances lost, for words unsaid.
Yet in this place, amid decay,
Some flowers bloom where others lay.
They rise from earth, so dark and cold,
Their petals burn with hues of gold.
For even where the dead reside,
There still can be a spark of pride—
A chance that one might bloom anew,
And find a path the others knew.

The Silence of Sacrifice

Where dreams go to die, the silence sings,
Of shattered hopes and broken wings.
A lullaby for restless hearts,
A song that tears the soul apart.
For every dream that falls in vain,
Another soul must bear the strain,
Of pushing forward, blind and numb,
Towards a future that won’t come.
The silence speaks of all the lies
We tell ourselves when daylight dies,
That dreams can live on hope alone,
Without a heart to call their home.
But hope, like fire, fades with time,
And dreams are left in cold decline,
Their embers lost in winds of doubt,
Their light extinguished, flickered out.
Yet still we chase them, through the night,
Ignoring every warning light,
Believing that the stars will guide
Us to the place where dreams reside.

A City of Ruins

There is a city, cold and stark,
Where every dream has left its mark.
The streets are lined with broken glass,
The remnants of a future past.
The buildings stand in jagged lines,
Their windows cracked, their walls entwined
With vines that strangle all within—
The city of what might have been.
The doors are locked, the lights burned out,
The air is filled with whispered doubt.
Each step is haunted by regret,
Of promises not paid off yet.
In every corner, shadows wait,
The echoes of a former state,
Of lives once lived with hope so high,
Now left to wither, left to die.
And yet, amid the crumbling stone,
There are some dreams not yet alone.
They flicker still, with fading light,
Defiant in the face of night.
They search for hands to lift them high,
To raise them up into the sky,
Where once they soared with wings of gold,
Before the world had turned so cold.

The Echoes of the Dreamers

In the hollow halls of memory,
Where dreams once flew so wild and free,
The voices of the dreamers call,
Their whispers bouncing off the walls.
They speak of love, they speak of pain,
Of chasing futures in the rain,
Of climbing mountains made of glass,
Of wounds that time could not surpass.
Their voices echo through the years,
A chorus filled with hope and fears,
Of those who dared to dream so high,
And found instead they could not fly.
Yet still their whispers fill the air,
A melody beyond despair,
A testament to all who tried,
Who chased their dreams, though dreams had died.
And in their words, a lesson lies—
That even where the broken rise,
There is a strength, a quiet grace,
In facing dreams you can’t replace.

A Dream’s Last Breath

And so the night begins to fall,
The final dreamer hears the call.
Their heart is heavy, eyes are dry,
They know it’s time to say goodbye.
But in the silence, soft and sweet,
A breath escapes on weary feet,
A final wish, a last request,
To lay their dream at fate’s behest.
The winds will carry it away,
To lands where shadows softly sway,
And there it will forever lie—
The place where every dream must die.
Yet in that place, beyond the pain,
Beyond the loss, beyond the rain,
There is a peace, a gentle sigh,
For dreams, like stars, can never die.
They live within the hearts of those
Who dared to dream, despite the blows,
And though they rest in silent sleep,
Their light remains for us to keep.
For dreams may fade, and dreams may fall,
But in the end, they touch us all.
And even where they go to die,
They leave behind a piece of sky.

The Birth of a New Dream

But what if death is not the end?
What if the dream, though forced to bend,
Does not dissolve, does not depart,
But rises once again, in art?
For in the darkest hour of night,
The soul can birth a different light.
The dream transformed, the dream reborn,
Like roses blooming from the thorn.
The soil may claim the past we knew,
But out of ash, new dreams break through.
They rise on wings both bruised and torn,
A phoenix in the heart of scorn.
And where they go, we follow too,
Through fields of pain, through skies of blue.
For though we fall, we rise again,
With every loss, we shed the skin.
So let the dreams that had to die,
Be laid beneath the endless sky.
And let us honor all they gave,
By planting seeds in every grave.
For where they fell, new dreams will grow,
In places only dreamers know.
And though the night may feel so long,
The dawn will come, and life goes on.

Where Dreams Become the Stars

At last, the stars begin to shine,
The dreams of those who walked the line,
Who faced the truth, who faced the fall,
Who understood they’d lose it all.
Their dreams now sparkle in the night,
A constellation burning bright.
They guide the way for those who dare
To chase the dreams that fill the air.
For where they go, the dreamers fly,
To touch the edge of every sky.
And though their dreams may one day fade,
They’ll light the path the others made.
In every heart, a dream will rise,
Like flames that reach the endless skies.
And even where they go to die,
They live as stars, they never die.

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