Collect CUBEs, Claim Rewards: Unlock new rewards with Credentials to Unify Blockchain Events
Mint CUBEs to complete Quests, claim rewards, & build your onchain trophy case. CUBEs, a.k.a. Credentials to Unify Blockchain Events, are the key to the Layer3 economy.
What are CUBEs?
CUBEs are ERC-721 tokens minted by completing Quests. By introducing CUBEs, your onchain impact is now unified into each credential.
With rich data secured by IPFS, CUBEs are first deployed on the Base network with more chains coming soon. All popular wallets and NFT marketplaces are natively supported.
What rewards can CUBEs unlock?
By unifying Quest completions onchain, our credential unlocks new opportunities for explorers. Collect CUBEs to progress and claim rewards on Layer3:
- ETH & ERC-20 tokens: Receive ETH, USDC, and other tokens for certain Quests.
- Quest Access: Leveling up in experience across the ecosystem enables access to new Quests.
- Gems: These can be used to purchase Boosts, Swap & Bridge Discounts, Streak Repairs, and more.
On the Rewards Hub you’ll earn Boosts, with CUBEs as the key:
- 2x XP Boosts
- 3x XP Boosts
- Swap Discounts
- Bridge Discounts
- Gas Rebates
Building blocks for V2
With our new credentials, your multichain achievements are unified to unlock new opportunities. CUBEs and the Rewards Hub are the first evolution in our latest upgrade and the ultimate goals to:
- Unify user activity across chains, apps, and ecosystems.
- Enable an expansive economy for crypto ownership.
- Dynamically reward active users across different protocols.
- Expand our onchain impact while decentralizing Layer3.
- Create the leading gateway to the cryptoeconomy.