Who am I? My introduction.

19 Oct 2023

First of all I want to grab this opportunity to say thanks to my read.cash mate HattyHats who introduced Bulb platform on other social media and drag me here on this vibrant and dynamic plateform. It is a honour for me to joining this prestigious community .
I am Amjad Ali from southern Punjab, Pakistan. I am second in 6 siblings with 19th century birth.I am a sales expert professional with vast experience . My territory is Bahawalpur and this area mostly covered by desert which is called here Rohi or Cholistan . It is 100 km wide belt on the border of India- Pakistan and it is around 700 km long from Thar to bahawalpur.

Education & professional career.

I am a graduate of Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) in Mass communication and certified of sales & marking entrepreneur. I served in NADEC ( National agriculture development company) based in Saudi Arabia as researcher & marketing supervisor for 10 years started from 1997. It was a great time when we completed our ( Me & My Sri Lankan mate)assignment of research ( water resources & possibilities of irrigation ) successfully under MOWI ( Ministry of water and irrigation, Saudi Arabia) and wins 2nd Prize of 8000 SR with a certificate. I went to Kuwait , Bahrain , UAE and Qatar in this concern also. I was chooser as "Best Marketing Supervisor" in 2006 of the company among 67 SVs.

I say good bye to middle East in 2008 and started a co -venture of property advising business. Later I own my separate office which still going on with successful 390+ deeds and agreements.

From 2019 I am in online Content writing and Crypto base projects. My first love was uptrennd ( long and short blogs ) which unfortunately closed on April 2000 due to unknown reasons. During the stay in uptrennd I joined noise.cash & read.cash which are another splendid online blogging platforms. Last December I joined blogging site publish0x as well and enjoying the ETH, Spot ride. If I got some time, I write some short posts on Binance Feed as well.
I am a investor , day trader of crypto on Binance & Bitmat, holding some coins for better worth. I have BCH , SOL , SWG, Rare , DOGE and ADA in my portfolios and now adding $BULB.

I am father of two Queens and husband of one of the most beautiful lady on earth. A most vibrant and happy small family. I have some agricultural land , one grocery store, property advising business and Very little crypto market involvement.

Reaching on Bulb.
It is difficult to get time from a busy schedule of my physical hustles for writing something good. (As I mentioned in beginning that HattyHats,s article on read.cash is main source to reach here ) But still managing some minutes and I am here amoung you . I read some blogs yesterday and today , really top telented people are here with amazing capabilities of grip in topics especially crypto and self development.
I am sure that BULB will add learning skills to me and I will develop my crypto knowledge more. In my opinion$BULB is going to rock the crypto market in 2024 as emerging star.

Thank you so much for reading. Hope I will carry this momentum in coming days with the grace of almighty God.
More success to Bulb community!!



This article originally appeared on Read.Cash & added new detail now .

Other platforms of author,
Read.cash | Noise.app | Publish0x

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