Dymension Announcements
Announcement: Discontinuation of the Daily Sign-In Rewards Attention Chromers, we are making a change to our Airdrop Quest. Previously, users could earn 5 credits daily and additional bonus credits and boosters for consecutive attendance. Effective from 00:00 UTC on 8th January, the Sign-In Daily Rewards feature in our Chromatic Protocol Airdrop page will be discontinued. Background: There was a reCaptcha implemented in the Sign-In feature to prevent abuse using bots. However, the reCaptcha filtering led to difficulties in signing in, causing inconvenience to many users. We've explored several alternatives but realized that as long as reCaptcha remains, this issue will persist. Therefore, as of 8th January, Sign-In Daily Rewards feature will be closed. New Daily Quest Alternative: In order to give credits to the community and continue the airdrop program, below are alternatives. New daily sign-in quest on Zealy: You can now visit Chromatic Protocol once a day and earn 5 xp on Zealy. We are planning other events/quests for the distribution of Boosters. Compensation for Missed Rewards: For those affected by the reCaptcha issues, a Google Form link will be released on 8th January to claim missed rewards. You can claim for missed rewards by submitting your wallet address and the number of days you signed in but didn't receive rewards. Please note that rewards will be distributed upon verification of your data. False submissions will not be rewarded. Action Against Abuse: We will also be addressing the issue of abuse. Approximately 21,000 wallets are suspected of abusing the system to claim rewards. To protect the interests of our active community members, we will be deleting any credits and boosters obtained through such abuses using bots. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding and continuous support