
15 Dec 2022

Importance of sports

Sports are very important in life. Sport's helps to build physical as well as mental development of health . It improves overall personality of a person. If we look the personality of a sportsperson that is very good . Because the person is very fit mentally as well as physically .

Advantages of sports

1. Personality : As discussed it develop overall personality of a person.
2. Skills : through participation in sports a person can develop some really good skills ,can gain and bosst up his/her confidence.
3. Leadership : Leadership quality can be easily developed through sports.
4. Discipline : Discipline is very one of the very important quality of a sportsperson . A well disciplined sportsperson is deadly.
5. Teamwork : The one who plays any sports knows the importance of teamwork . In any sport of more than one person a full team plays the game there is not only construction of a one player there is contribution of whole team . Not only single player wins the matches the whole team wins the matches.
6. Reduces stress level : if i talk about myself playing cricket reduces stress in me .
7. Happiness : The most important thing is happiness,any sport which we are playing give happiness and inner peace and a type of satisfaction .
8. Money : Also if your good in a particular sport and want to choose it as a profession it is also a good choice, yoy can make good money if you are playing good.
9. Health : with playing sport we can fight and get of many diseases and can have a good for heart, lungs etc.
10. Sleep : A proper and good sleep is very important for us . If we are playing any sport i can confidently say that he or she is having a good sleep ifthey plays and sport .

So here were some benefits or advantage of playing a sport, if you are not playing any sports, get up and start playing which sport you want to play .
See after playing it gives satisfaction.

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