Nobody Dare Enter This Village! The Blood-Curdling Story of the Azem Jinn Village in Sakarya
Azem Village: History and Legend
Azem Village is a place located in the intriguing lands of Sakarya and is famous for supernatural events. Many events in the past have shaped the history of the village and this legend. But what is interesting is that this village actually points to a rather obscure location. There is no consensus on what the village of Azem was called before the curse, or even what the exact location of the village is today. It is difficult to say for sure whether the videos of abandoned areas that are frequently seen on the internet really belong to the allegedly cursed area.
History of the Village
The story in Azem Village dates back to 1921. The word Azem, which has become the well-known name of the village today, is actually the name of the spell allegedly cast on the village, which allegedly caused the evacuation of 117 households. According to the story, a shepherd who migrated to the village was not given money and the shepherd cast the Azem spell on the village to take revenge. This spell changed the fate of the village and eerie events began for those who wanted to enter the village. According to the narratives, in 1921, the fields in the village began to fail and animals began to die. There are also accounts of a child being kidnapped and returning years later with his eyes gouged out, speaking in an unknown language. There are also widespread rumors that the village started to hear unexplained screams and women started to have miscarriages one after another.
The Beginning of the Legend
According to legend, a shepherd in the village communicated with jinns and strange things started to happen in the village after that. Over time, this story spread from ear to ear and spread over a wide area. Azem Village is home to mysterious and scary stories. It is said that animals that enter the village do not return and those who leave the village lose the ability to speak. There is even a story that an imam lost his ability to speak after entering the village.
As we said before, there is no clear information about the current situation of Azem Village. It is said that entry to the village is forbidden and that the spooky events in the village continue. However, this information is mostly based on rumors among the people and there is no information about its accuracy.
Jinn Belief
According to the widespread belief, which can be seen in many narratives on the internet, Azem Village has become a place frequented by jinns. This mysterious place associated with jinns has also become a place of curiosity for visitors and has been visited by various YouTubers and has even been the subject of a movie. Azem: Goblin Grudge, the movie is about the village being cursed by goblins.
What is Azem Spell?
The Azem spell, which is at the center of the legend, is a ritual that is widely known and told among the villagers. If you are wondering what the Azem spell is, it is believed to help control the jinn.
"According to some, on the night of the Azem spell, all doors and windows in the village are closed. During this time, the person who casts the spell communicates with the jinn. After this ritual, it is believed that the person who cast the spell has control over the jinn."