Solana Rumored to be Under Investigation

27 Jun 2024

Solana Rumored to be Under Investigation

Crypto influencer Bitlord, who boasts over 300,000 followers on X (formerly Twitter), has stirred the crypto community with claims that Solana (SOL) is currently under investigation. If these rumors prove true, Bitlord suggests it could spell trouble for the world's fifth-largest cryptocurrency.
In a post on X on Monday, June 24, 2024, Bitlord stated that the investigation into Solana has been ongoing for several weeks. However, he did not clarify the basis for this alleged investigation or identify which agency might be leading it.

“If what we’re hearing is true, start praying for Solana,” Bitlord warned.
These rumors have sparked skepticism within the Solana community. Many users responded by dismissing Bitlord's claims, calling him a "clown," indicating their disbelief and suggesting that he might be seeking attention.

Bitlord countered these reactions by saying, “It’s very sad when ordinary people get caught up in things they don’t understand and lose money because of it.”

SEC's Scrutiny on Proof-of-Stake Altcoins

The speculation around Solana's potential investigation echoes the scrutiny Ethereum (ETH) has faced from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The SEC has classified Solana as a security, along with other altcoins like Polygon (MATIC) and Cardano (ADA).
SEC Chairman Gary Gensler has previously stated that "everything besides Bitcoin" could be labeled as a security. Legal expert Drew Hinkes noted that while the SEC's investigation into Ethereum 2.0 concluded favorably for Ethereum, Solana might not be as fortunate.

“The investigation into Ethereum 2.0 was a win for the company, but it doesn’t mean much for other POS [Proof-of-Stake] tokens,” Hinkes commented in a Decrypt report.
Hinkes explained that the SEC might approach other tokens differently, depending on factors such as their initial sale methods, technological circumstances, and block validation mechanisms.

Amid these rumors, Solana's price briefly dropped nearly 8% to $124 but rebounded to $135, showing a 9% increase in the last 24 hours, according to CoinMarketCap data.
This article explores the recent rumors about Solana's potential investigation and its implications for the cryptocurrency, especially in light of the SEC's ongoing scrutiny of proof-of-stake altcoins.


The swirling rumors of an investigation into Solana (SOL) have undoubtedly shaken the crypto community, reflecting the broader uncertainty and regulatory pressures facing many cryptocurrencies today. Bitlord's claims have sparked significant debate, with some dismissing them as sensationalist, while others express genuine concern for Solana's future. This situation underscores the fragility and volatility that can come with investing in digital assets, especially as regulatory bodies like the SEC intensify their scrutiny over various cryptocurrencies. The mixed reactions highlight a critical need for clear and transparent communication within the crypto space to help investors make informed decisions.

As the SEC's regulatory spotlight increasingly focuses on proof-of-stake (POS) tokens, Solana's case could set a significant precedent. The recent drop and subsequent rebound in Solana's price illustrate the market's sensitivity to rumors and regulatory news. Investors should remain vigilant and consider the potential implications of ongoing regulatory developments. While Solana has shown resilience in bouncing back, the broader context of SEC investigations into altcoins suggests that the crypto market could face more turbulence ahead. This scenario calls for careful strategy and a close watch on how regulatory dynamics evolve, particularly for those involved with or investing in POS cryptocurrencies.

Read too : 3iQ Proposes Canada's First Solana ETF

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