
10 Nov 2022

I'm terrified by the size of the mountains around me and blinded by the blackness of my problems, whose conclusion I cannot see.

My spirit is worn out and I'm drowning in stress; I can no longer bear these burdens.

With no sign of hope in sight, I go to my knees in prayer in what is known as "The Valley," a location of extreme despondency.

"Lord, this path is too difficult, and I feel so alone. I'm also terrified of everything that lies ahead."

The Lord grasped me by the hand and gave me understanding at that precise time.

"My child, the valley is a place of beauty, even though it can be terrible, since it's at these moments that you really experience me," he added.

I can hear your cries here, and this is also the place where unbelief perishes.

It's a spot with low-lying rivers where you may quench your thirst and verdant fields where you can think.

It's a location where I'll hold you if you're unable to move forward and tell you about the tears I gathered while you cried.

You'll gain perseverance there, and you'll also find out what you're here for.

It's a voyage where people give their testimonies, and one where, in the future, you will proclaim my honor.

So, despite how painful it may be, try to see the beauty; just open your eyes. Because that's when you'll see me walking alongside you.

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