barbie games There is one great memory about school

23 Jan 2024

There is one great memory about school that sticks in my head. It was the day at primary school that my class was given a shifted alphabet cipher, and the teacher asked us to find the message. To me, even at an early age, it seemed like the most wonderful thing I had come across in my education. Overall, it was a way that we could write secret codes to our friends, without others knowing its contents. Luckily, the joy of cracking a cypher has never left me, and I still enjoy finding new ones to solve. It’s probably the reason I do cybersecurity … and with the art of solving complex puzzles. For my teaching and research, I finally — after many years of searching — found my great love: cryptography.There is one great memory about school that sticks in my head. It was the day at primary school that my class was given a shifted alphabet cipher, and the teacher asked us to find the message. To me, even at an early age, it seemed like the most wonderful thing I had come across in my education. Overall, it was a way that we could write secret codes to our friends, without others knowing its contents. Luckily, the joy of cracking a cypher has never left me, and I still enjoy finding new ones to solve. It’s probably the reason I do cybersecurity … and with the art of solving complex puzzles. For my teaching and research, I finally — after many years of searching — found my great love: cryptography.

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