Iodine Deficiency

23 Oct 2022

Iodine deficiency causes these symptoms in the body :

Iodine deficiency in the body is very dangerous. It poses a threat not only to the body but from the brain to the liver and kidney. The first and direct effect of iodine deficiency is on the thyroid gland. Deficiency of iodine reduces the release of hormones called thyroxine and its direct effect falls on various organs of the body, functioning system and brain.
Iodine is very important for the thyroid gland because it makes thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormone is essential for regulating body growth as well as repairing damaged cells and for a healthy metabolism. If there is a deficiency of iodine in the body, you can have many problems. The level of iodine in the body is decreasing, you can understand it by looking at some changes happening in the body.

Weight Gain :

You can get the first symptom of iodine deficiency from your weight. If your weight is increasing suddenly, then it is possible that you are lacking thyroxine hormone. Thyroid hormone controls the metabolism of our body, when there is less iodine in the body, the metabolism becomes slow. Due to which the food in the body is not converted into energy or heat properly and starts accumulating in the body in the form of fat. When the level of thyroid hormone in the body is low, our body is not able to burn calories.

Dry and Flaky Skin :

Iodine deficiency causes the skin to become dry and flaky. Due to low levels of thyroid hormones in the body, a person's skin can appear dry and flaky. If you have thyroid problems, you can get relief from dry and flaky skin by increasing iodine in your diet.

Feeling Colder

Iodine deficiency can cause colder than usual. Actually, when our body does not have enough thyroid hormone, which makes your skin more sensitive. In this situation, you may have trouble feeling too cold and too hot. Also, it slows down your metabolism, due to which less heat is produced in your body. Because of this, you may feel colder than usual. To improve thyroid hormone, you can include iodine as well as brown fat.

Fatigue and Weakness

Fatigue and weakness can also be included in the common symptoms of iodine deficiency in the body. According to the study, people who have iodine deficiency along with thyroid hormone levels in the body, they feel more tired and weak. These symptoms are seen in a person, when the body is not able to make enough energy due to low hormone level of our body. In this condition the person may also feel dizzy.

Hair Fall

Thyroid hormones in our body control the growth of hair follicles. When the level of thyroid hormone in our body decreases, then in such a situation the growth of hair follicles occurs very fast. In this situation, you may complain of hair loss. In such a situation, you can say that due to lack of iodine in the body, your hair can fall.

Swelling on neck

If your throat ie the front part of the neck is looking swollen, then understand that iodine is decreasing in your body. This symptom is caused by goiter disease, that is, overworking of the thyroid gland, because when it does not get enough iodine, then there is pressure on the gland. There is a butterfly gland in the front part of the neck and from here thyroxine hormone is made. The thyroid gland uses iodine to make thyroid hormones.

Trouble in Learning and Remembering

If there is a deficiency of iodine in the body, your memory capacity can also be weak. Apart from this, the ability to learn may also be reduced in some people. You can also have this problem due to low level of thyroid hormone in the body. Therefore, include more iodine in your diet.
Iodine deficiency can cause many diseases and problems like increased or decreased heart rate in the body, problems in pregnancy, underdeveloped brain of the child, irregular periods, mood swings, blurred vision, high cholesterol.

Disclaimer: Our article is for providing information only. Always consult an expert for more details.

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