No Half-Hearted Allegiance: I Demand Full Dedication and Submission From My Submissives

2 Jul 2024

I don't want your half-assed sends. I don't want you questioning if your money is going to the right place. I want your full submission, your full attention.

I am not a second, third, or fourth choice. I am not someone who will accept competing with another for your attention. If you are even questioning whether or not you should send to me over someone else, then take your money elsewhere.

I want you to know. I want you to crave it. I want your surrender to sending me to be with your full chest. It doesn't mean you can't admire or love others; send to them as well. But do not question or hesitate before submitting, even just momentarily, to the release of financial control when you send to me. If you at all wonder if you'll hit that send button and feel regret, then I don't want your money. I don't want your half-assed allegiance.

I want the dedication and devotion I deserve, which means your full consent. Your full enthusiastic submission as part of a moment or in search of a longer dynamic.

If you question it, then perhaps you need the money more than I do.

I want the power. I want the vulnerability. I want the admission of submission to my Godly Existence.

Originally posted on my personal website.

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