The Power of Positive Thinking: An Inspirational Story
The person who is positive is happier than the person who thinks negatively. Because someone has said that what we think happens to us.
This is not just a matter of saying but this is absolutely true. You must have felt it many times, that whenever you felt a little hurt while waking up in the morning, you must have thought that today is a bad day and you Attitude became negative for that day.
But then the same thing happens and similar incidents start happening to you. Why? Because our attitude becomes negative.
And when we wake up and get some good news, we start thinking positively and say that today is a very good day and our whole day turns out to be very good.All this is the power of our thinking. Whatever we think starts happening to us and when we think positive then everything starts happening good to us and all the results start coming good but if we think negatively then everything starts happening bad to us.
Therefore, it is very important for us to have a positive attitude for good results and to know how we can get good results with a positive attitude, let us go to a very inspiring story:-
There was a time when the era of kings and emperors was going on. A businessman had to attend the king's court with his goods, so the businessman leaves the car after filling all the goods with the king, but on the way a cat cuts his path.Now the businessman says stop the car because the cat has crossed the road, he says that this is a bad omen, maybe the car may overturn on the way or maybe some other accident may happen and different negative thoughts are there in the mind of that businessman. Conversations begin and he brings the car back home.
There is another businessman who also lives in the same state. He also had to take goods to the king's court. When he sets out on the way with all the goods, the merchant's path is also crossed by a cat, but this does not make much difference to the merchant and he reaches the king's court.The king is very happy to see the work and dedication of this businessman and gives him many gifts and sweets. This businessman comes home and his family is happy, but the previous businessman is very sad.
When the first businessman does not reach the king's court, the king punishes him and puts him in jail and his entire family gets into trouble and the businessman thinks that all this bad is happening. This is happening because of the cat that had crossed his path, but all this was just the result of his negative thinking.
Lesson Of The Story
If our thinking is negative then our results will also be bad but if we work hard and have positive thinking then our results will also be good. We should keep our thinking positive and we should think that whatever happened happened for good.Maybe some people say that it is all a matter of saying that nothing is achieved by having a positive attitude, but do you know that if a person works with a positive attitude even in a wrong work, then he starts liking only that work even if People may say anything.
In today's world people do different types of work. Why is it that if one person's work seems wrong to another person, the same work is God to another person?
Why is it that what people consider wrong is considered right by that person?
It all depends on the attitude of that person towards that work. Many people find network marketing business wrong but some people do the same work with all their heart and soul because their attitude is positive towards that work. This is the reason that for one person the same work is good and for another person the same work is wrong.For the people working in the stock market, the stock market is a very good and right job, but for the person who has a negative view about the stock market, it is nothing more than a speculative market where people lose their money. Depends on the person's perspective.
Benefits of having a positive attitude:-
1. A person with a positive attitude finds something good in everything, which makes his life simple and happy.
2. Positive attitude helps you to control the situation.
3.Positive attitude reduces the problems of life Like If someone gets a fracture in one of his hands, should he keep crying or should he be thankful that the other hand is safe. It all depends on our perspective.
4. Positive attitude encourages us to move forward. Because you are working very hard today but you may not be getting good results today, then you may leave the work, but if you work with a positive attitude, then after some time results will start coming which will give us a big boost. You can get success.To achieve success, we have to keep our attitude positive because good attitude is necessary for good results. Because we are going to do something that no one has done, we have to believe in that thing.
You must have heard about Thomas Alba Edison, he is an example who made such inventions with a positive attitude which people used to make fun of after hearing about them. People called him crazy when he said that he would invent an invention that would change night into day. But today he proved it to be true and this happened only with the help of faith and positive attitude.
~ Thank You
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