What is compound interest, how it works, real world examples, and key benefits and considerations.

8 Dec 2023

Compound interest is a way of calculating interest that allows it to accrue, or build upon itself, over time. It is one of the most powerful concepts in finance and investing.

With simple interest, interest is only calculated on the original principal amount. But with compound interest, interest is calculated on the principal PLUS previously accumulated interest. This causes interest earnings to grow faster and faster over time in a snowball effect.

The longer your money stays invested and earning compound interest, the more dramatically it can grow. This is why compound interest has been called the “8th Wonder of the World” for the way it can help savings and investments multiply.

How Does Compound Interest Work?

Here is a simple step-by-step example to illustrate the mechanics of compound interest:

1.You invest $1,000 at an annual interest rate of 5%
2.After the first year, you will earn 5% interest on your $1,000 principal amount.

  • 5% of $1,000 is $50.

3. Now in year two, you have your original $1,000 principal, PLUS the $50 interest you earned last year.

  • For a new total of $1,050

4.In year two, you earn 5% interest on the new, higher total balance of $1,050.

  • 5% of $1,050 is $52.50

5.In year three, you earn 5% interest on an even larger balance, since last year's interest was added to the total amount. This cycle continues year after year.

The power of compound interest comes from the fact that previous interest earning start earning EVEN MORE interest themselves in each successive period. This creates exponential growth over longer time periods.

Key Formula for Calculating Compound Interest

P = principal amount (initial amount invested)
r = annual interest rate (in decimal form)

n = number of compound periods per year
t = total time invested

Compound Interest Formula:

A = P(1 + r/n)^(n*t)

Let’s break this formula down:

The initial principal balance (P) gets multiplied by (1 + r/n)

  • The (1 + r/n) represents a single period’s interest rate
  • For example, 5% interest would be 1.05

This gets raised to the (n*t) power, which represents the TOTAL number of compound periods.

For example, if compounding 4 times per year for 6 years, the total periods would be 4*6 = 24.

The larger the exponent, the more exponential growth you see. This shows why long-term investing unmatched for compound interest.

Key Things That Impact Compound Interest Growth

1.Principal Amount – The more money you initially invest, the more interest you can earn to compound. Starting early allows the greatest earnings potential.
2.Interest Rate Earned – Higher rates mean you earn larger amounts of interest to compound each period. High rates supercharge the compound interest you can accrue.
3.Frequency of Compounding – More compound periods per year results in faster exponential growth. Monthly compounds growth quicker than annually.
4.Time Length Invested – The MOST crucial factor. The longer duration invested, the more exponential compound interest you accrue.

Real World Examples of Compound Interest

Compound interest applies to savings accounts, loans, mortgages, investing, retirement planning, and anywhere else interest enters the picture. The effects can be subtle in the short term, but immense in the long run.

Here are some real world examples:

Savings Accounts

Most savings accounts calculate interest daily and compound it monthly. Here is how different initial deposits would grow after 20 years at 2% APY interest:

  • $1,000 Initial Deposit
    • 20 Years of Compounding = $1,481
  • $5,000
    • 20 Years = $7,405
  • $10,000
    • 20 Years = $14,809

Retirement Investing

Here is how much 3 different retirement investment amounts would grow over 40 year careers at 8% average annual returns:

  • Invest $5,000 Per Year
    • 40 years = $2.4 million
  • Invest $10,000 Per Year
    • 40 Years = $4.8 million
  • Invest $20,000 Per Year
    • 40 Years = $9.7 million

This shows the immense power of compound interest applied over decades of investing.

Credit Card Debt

On the flip side, credit card debt can spiral out of control due to high interest compounding against you.

For example, carrying a $10,000 balance on a credit card charging 19% interest would accrue over $7,000 of interest paid in 5 years through the compound effect.

This shows why credit cards should be paid off in full each month to avoid paying heavy interest fees over time.

Benefits of Compound Interest

There are enormous financial benefits to be gained from properly utilizing compound interest – whether for personal savings or investments.

1. Exponential Growth

As described above, compound interest snowballs savings account balances or investment portfolio values exponentially over time through the continuous reinvesting of previous interest. This creates runaway growth that builds immense wealth.

2. Low Initial Funds Can Multiply

The previous growth examples illustrate that even small initial amounts can multiply to surprisingly large sums over the years. Investing limited funds early allows the magic of compounding to work its exponential wonders over long time frames.

3. Capitalizing on Time

Compound interest rewards patience more than any other factor – the element of time invested is absolutely crucial. The earlier money begins accumulating compound interest, and the longer interest has to work its magic, the greater the financial outcomes down the road.

4. Autopilot Retirement Savings

Consistently saving and investing even modest amounts during your working years allows compound returns to transform limited funds into substantial retirement nest eggs over the long run. Compounding growth on autopilot can effectively replace earned income.

5. Overcome Inflation

Inflation erodes the purchasing power of money over decades. But when investment returns outpace inflation through compound growth, you effectively increase your actual buying power with time.

Risks of Compound Interest

While compound interest has incredible wealth-building potential through long-term saving and investing, there are downside risks to be aware of.

1. Paying Interest CAN Work Against You

Just as receiving interest boosts savings, paying interest drains them even faster. And unfortunately interest charges also compound over time – so debt can snowball quickly and destroy savings if left unchecked. This is why managing debt responsibly is so important.

2. Volatile Returns

Although historical stock market and bond returns average 6-10% over extended periods, there are always periodic declines. If forced to sell during crashes, compound growth gets interrupted. Avoid panic selling during bad times so compounding keeps working forward.

3. Inflation Eats Away Gains

On the flip side, inflation reduces real returns over time. So actual compound growth in purchasing power depends greatly on whether investment returns outpace rising consumer prices over decades.

4. Liquidity Sacrificed

The huge benefit of long-duration compound growth has the natural tradeoff of sacrificing liquidity and access to your money. Tying up funds for compound interest means you cannot readily access it for emergencies or spending needs.

5. Missed Early Opportunities

While compound interest has immense late-stage benefits, the early contribution years are even more crucial – small amounts have longer horizons to compound. Getting started late means missing out on the most powerful early compounding years.

Comparing Simple vs. Compound Interest

Simple interest applies a flat interest rate only to the original principal amount year after year. But compound interest applies accelerating returns each period to both principal AND previously earned interest.

Here is a 5 year example at 5% interest annually:

Simple Interest on $10,000 initial principal

  • Year 1: $10,000 x 5% = $500 Interest
  • Year 2: $10,000 x 5% = $500
  • Year 3: $10,000 x 5% = $500
  • Year 4: $10,000 x 5% = $500
  • Year 5: $10,000 x 5% = $500

Total interest earned = $2,500

Compound Interest on $10,000 initial principal

  • Year 1: $10,000 x 5% = $500
  • Year 2: $10,500 x 5% = $525 (Principal + prior interest)
  • Year 3: $11,025 x 5% = $551
  • Year 4: $11,576 x 5% = $579
  • Year 5: $12,155 x 5% = $608

Total interest earned = $2,763

This shows how an identical 5% annual interest rate results in 10% higher total interest earnings after only 5 years when compounding comes into play.

And the discrepancy widens immensely over longer time spans – after 25 years compound interest accrues over TWICE as much total interest as simple interest at the same rates.

Compounding Frequency Impact

More frequent compounding intervals allows interest to build on itself more often - resulting in greater exponential growth.

Here is how different compound frequencies impact growth on $10,000 over 20 years at 8% annual interest:

  • Compounded Annually
    • 20 years = $46,610
  • Compounded Quarterly
    • 20 years = $49,234
  • Compounded Monthly
    • 20 years = $50,063
  • Compounded Daily
    • 20 years = $50,288

This illustrates the noticeable boost in total compound interest resulting from more frequent compounding schedule – an extra $4,000+ interest earned from monthly vs. yearly over 20 years.

Key Takeaways on Compound Interest:

  • Compounding multiplies returns exponentially over LONG timeframes
  • Maximizing early contributions supercharges overall results
  • Frequency of compounding intervals substantially impacts outcomes
  • Maintaining consistent contributions and avoiding withdrawals preserves compound growth
  • Even small, regular savings can compound to fortunes in the long run

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