COVID-19 becoming more and more treated like the flu

23 Apr 2022

COVID-19  becoming more and more treated like the flu

It has been a little bit over two years since COVID has mainly impacted lives across the world, ever since it was first discovered in Wuhan in 2019. In Australia, since then has introduced many lockdowns, rules and policies regarding what do to in certain scenarios. Previously, we used to categorise people into casual contacts and close contacts. Casual contacts were considered to be a risk, with close contacts considered to be a high risk, and in both cases would have to quarantine. As time passed and people became vaccinated as well as COVID-19 becoming more under control in-terms of symptoms, these rules were lowered slowly. Close contacts were no longer regarded as unsafe, only close contacts. From here, close contacts were reduced to more specifically (people you have been in the same household in for more than 4 hours), which further narrowed the categorisation for what counts as a close contact and need for isolation. 

Recently, in Australia, retail stores have proposed that even if a household member is tested positive for COVID, you are still allowed to work granted you have tested negative with a RAT test, and are showing no symptoms. This is a very drastic change in terms of regulations for COVID among the population from when it first started. With vaccinations, boosters and more understanding of the virus and how to deal with it, this virus is now seeming to be more treated about as serious as the common cold, or the flu.

It is interesting to see how the rules and regulations have transgressed over the months and years, and can only imagine it will continue like this until COVID-19 is completely no different from just being defined as "sick". Is this good for society with how COVID-19 is? Are we moving too fast? Too slow? Or is this the best cause of action that we can work with for our nation?

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