We fall in love in the strangest ways

3 Apr 2023

You never know because 'Love plays the wildest games! Ur all the human emotions, love is the most popular one. Love creates and it destroys.I ask myself a question all the time -'Why do we fall in love in the strangest ways?"

You never know whom you fall for.

The beauty is you can never predict

with whom you're going to fall in


Skin color, tall, short, introver extrovert, dancer, singer, no yo. can't predict. We have fallen for people in the strangest situation in the strangest ways.

How did that fair-skinned girl, even fall for that dark guy? That tall guy for that short girl. And there are many instances when we judged how two people f
You never know and they never know because 'Love plays the wildest games.'

Some absorb love slowly and some take it in a rush. Some see love as everything in life while some see love as a little part of life.

Do we fall in love with 'only' a single person?

Well, the question is quite absurd and meaningless. Because love does happen twice, thrice, and a million times only if we had a life so big.

Two people, after all the falling in love, getting married and the hon. eymoon. Do you think they never fall in love with any other person?

They do fall in love. They do get attracted. They do see the person whom they really want; a person other than their partne
quite a life disaster. Yeah, when you've successfully found the wrong partner, it does happen.

And it's hard to change places, change persons. Life is like that, the society and our conscience.

But we stick to the ones we've married or the ones for whom we've given our time and love the most.

We become so comfortable with that one person because love is all about being who we are and loving the other person the way they are.

Almost all of our life's future is with them and so we'd rather love them with all our hearts.

We break up with the strangest reasons

I hear people breaking up so easily. If falling in love was ea
up has become easier. Within just a few months, the relationship goes 'boom' and it's all done and they move on.

And not to forget the married ones. They break up soon as well. It's true that we must hold on to love. We must hold on to whom we love unless it's toxic and is killing you.

If you definitely think a relationship is not letting you be 'you' then it's time to rethink. It's time to move on.

But moving on hurts. Break-up hurts. Ego hurts but love doesn't hurt. It's the different set of feelings that come with love that
A good relationship will always let you grow, be free, be independent and become a better person. If your relationship isn't doing any of this to you, then repair it. you must talk and try to

Yes, relationships need reg- ular repair and maintenance. Without regular CARE, it's gonna break down one fine day.

Relationships are not just about fall- ing in love and all the honeymoon phase. It is a long process, like building it stronger and stronger each day.

Thanks for reading.hurts.sy, breakingr and it'sell in love.

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