Farmers Markets #11: Vote your veAERO and veVELO

24 Jun 2024

If you aren't familiar with the veTOKEN model then check out my explainer post about this on Bulb

If you want to know more about the analysis here see my post on Bulb

Voting veVELO - Epoch 108

See Dune Dashboard for Epoch details
Velodrome Vote:
Optimism Block Explorer
Birdseye token explorer
Velodrome Epoch Dune dashboard

Epoch 107 rewards

Who we voted for

How we voted

How it ended up

In a word: Terrible. We ended up with about 1/7 of the rewards we'd predicted.
Not much we can do with these rewards expect hold onto them.

Who I'm voting my veVELO for this epoch

Who we voted for

How we voted

Assessing the rewards

Nothing too complicated this time. It's not huge rewards but we're just going to keep adding to our existing $TLX bags.

It's down like the rest of the market but volume still seems strong and the incentives are continuing.

Those boosted vAPRs....

This time out we're not looking at any particular LP but rather at the efficiency of incentives. Sometimes incentives are really efficient, but sometimes not.

  1. TVL is very important for an LP to ensure people can trade efficiently through it but..
  2. An LP actually has to catch trades, which fees is the indication of.
  3. So whilst incentives can attract votes (4) and TVL (1), it doesn't always guarantee you fees, which are ultimately your sustainable revenue.

Voting veAERO - Epoch 43

Aerodrome Rewards:
Aerodrome Voting
Base Block Explorer
Birdseye Token Explorer
Aerodrome Epoch Dune dashboard

Epoch 42 rewards

Who we voted for

How we voted

How it ended up

A bit over half of the projected rewards is a win in anyone's books. We'll hang onto these as they are yield generating versions of ETH and USD.

Who I'm voting my veAERO for this epoch

Who we voted for

How we voted

Assessing the rewards

Rewards are mostly in $USDC and $AERO with a sprinkling of memecoins on top.

That and $GHST itself is a solid crypto game that might end up a break out hit at some stage.

Those all-by-themselves vAPRs...

Sometimes you don't need any help in showing healthy returns. You just need massive amounts of fees. Here's the top fee earners and, as you can see, the top two are showing very solid vAPRs.
Interestingly the lowest vAPR and 4th highest fees earner has nearly double the votes of the highest fee earner (which is over 6x the fees and nearly 5x the vAPR).

Over to you

Where are you voting your veAERO and veVELO this epoch?
Let me know in the comments!

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