Simon Berger: The Broken Glass Artist

16 Sept 2024

Image from the inspiration grid


Simon Berger, a Swiss visual artist, has revolutionized the art world with a groundbreaking technique that turns a fragile medium, glass into stunning, intricate portraits. His art is not only visually arresting but also technically astounding, as it involves cracking glass with a hammer without shattering it completely. The idea of using glass in such an unconventional way has captured the imagination of art lovers and fellow artists worldwide, making Berger a pioneer in this captivating form of art.

The first time I watched a video of artists creating portraits by cracking glass with hammers, I was stunned. There was something mesmerizing about the process—how the calculated strikes on the surface formed a detailed image without causing the glass to break entirely. My curiosity led me to research the origins of this unique art form, and I soon discovered Simon Berger, the visionary behind it all.

Berger's journey as an artist

It began in more traditional forms of craftsmanship. He trained as a carpenter, mastering woodwork and other materials. However, his creative spirit yearned for something more innovative, something that would challenge both his skills and conventional notions of art. One day, while experimenting with glass, Berger had an epiphany. He realized that glass, often associated with fragility and breakage, could be controlled, its fractures manipulated with precision to create patterns, images, and even human faces.

Image from the inspiration grid

His discovery did not come without its challenges. The process required immense patience, precision, and practice. One misstep could cause the entire glass sheet to shatter, ruining hours of work. But Berger was determined. He developed a method in which he could control the amount of force applied to the glass, varying the strength of each hammer strike to create shades, textures, and contours in the fractured glass. The result was stunning, portraits and images emerging from the cracks, almost as if the glass had been carefully sculpted rather than broken.

Berger's success

One of the keys to Berger's success lies in his deep understanding of the material. Instead of seeing glass as a limitation, he viewed it as an opportunity. By treating the glass not as a canvas to paint on, but as a medium to sculpt from within, Berger unlocked a whole new dimension of artistic expression. His method of cracking glass with deliberate intent allowed him to bring out fine details and contrasts in a way that paint or pencil simply couldn’t achieve. The interplay of light and shadow, reflected through the fractured glass, adds depth and dynamism to his portraits, making them feel almost alive.

Image from the inspiration grid

Berger's Works

Berger’s work has since become a wonder admired around the world. His glass portraits are celebrated for their beauty, intricacy, and the sheer ingenuity behind them. Artists from various backgrounds have drawn inspiration from his technique, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with fragile materials. What started as a single artist’s exploration has now blossomed into a popular and admired art form, practiced by others globally. Berger’s influence continues to grow, with exhibitions of his work captivating audiences in both the art world and beyond.

Image from the inspiration grid


Simon Berger’s mastery of glass breaking art is a testament to human creativity and perseverance. His journey from carpenter to pioneering visual artist shows how an innovative idea, fueled by dedication, can lead to the birth of an entirely new artistic movement. His work not only challenges our perceptions of fragility and strength but also reminds us of the limitless potential that lies within art. Through careful strikes of his hammer, Berger has transformed shattered glass into portraits full of life and meaning, inspiring a global audience and leaving an indelible mark on contemporary art.
As Berger's technique continues to inspire others, it will be exciting to see how this new art form evolves and expands.

Watch one of Simon Berger's videos at work below;


  1. Simon Berger: The Glass-Breaking Artist Creating Intricate Portraits – An in-depth article by Designboom discussing Berger's journey and the technical aspects of his glass art. It provides an overview of how he discovered his technique and the challenges he overcame. Designboom Article
  2. The Art of Shattering Glass: Simon Berger’s Unique Portraits – A profile piece in Colossal, which explores how Berger's innovative work has captivated audiences worldwide. It delves into his background and showcases several of his renowned pieces. Colossal Feature
  3. Simon Berger’s Glass Art Exhibitions and Global Influence – An article in Artsy, which details his exhibitions and growing influence in the contemporary art world. It highlights how his work is gaining popularity and being adopted by other artists around the globe. Artsy

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