2 Jan 2024

Many of you have heard of Starknet. I will try to tell you about Starknet, one of the most important projects that will shape the future in crypto.
Starknet stands out as Ethereum’s Validity Rollup Layer 2 solution. This approach aims to increase blockchain scalability by providing high transaction speeds, low gas costs, and security at the level of Ethereum Layer 1.
Verifying the solution of a Sudoku puzzle is easier than solving it from scratch. Similarly, Starknet seeks to enhance Ethereum’s scalability by replacing heavy Layer 1 computations with lighter Layer 1 verification using off-chain processes. This is achieved by grouping transactions into batches, processing them off-chain, and then summarizing them into a single on-chain transaction on the Ethereum Mainnet. Ensuring the integrity of transactions and their executions without the need for re-execution is crucial in this process. Starknet addresses this by employing STARK (Scalable, Transparent ARgument of Knowledge) proofs for verifiable computation. Subsequently, only essential information about the block and the proof is transmitted to Ethereum, where verification takes place with minimal computational effort.
This approach aims to achieve large-scale scalability while preserving the security and decentralized nature of Ethereum. The integration of Ethereum and Starknet could facilitate widespread adoption of blockchain.


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