Hamster Kombat Cipher, Pixeltap and Gemzcoin Combo Cards for 29th of June

29 Jun 2024

Hamster Kombat
Hamster Kombat is a Tap to Earn Telegram app where you can upgrade to earn hourly. It’s the first game to integrate investing within the gameplay.

Join the Telegram Hamster Kombat bot here:

Cipher for Hamster for 29th of June: ETHER

E . Dot

T - Dash

H . . . . Dot dot dot dot

E . Dot

R . - . Dot dash dot

Combo Cards for Hamster for 29th of June:
- License Ethiopia (Legal);
- Premarket Launch (Specials);
- Nft Collection Launch(Specials);

Another clicker game after Hamster Kombat. You can play this game as an alternative of Hamster Kombat! Very interesting and addictive!

Join Gemzcoin game:

Combo Cards for Gemzcoin for 29th of June:
- Lamp (Gear);
- Protective Gloves (Gear);
- Blockchain Evangilist (Workers);

Pixeltap by Pixelverse
Pixeltap is a web3 platform that recently introduced a mini-app on Telegram, allowing users, or more accurately, players, to earn points. These points will eventually be converted into $Pixfi tokens once the tokens are launched.

Join the Telegram PixelTap bot here:

Combo Cards for Pixeltap for the 29th of June look for the picture below:
If you missed my post about Top Telegram Play to Earn Games:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

#notcoin #clickers #tap #games #telegram #bots #hamster #combat #tapswap #Pixeltap #coin #telegramgames #hamsterKombat #gemzcoin

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