Why Radix better than Ethereum ?
In my Opinion Radix is much Better than Ethereum and soon it's gonna explode 🔥🔥 why --It has been launched after *8* years of development,
It's the only crypto project I know of that solves Ethereum's major issues—while enabling a totally free open-source economy that can pay creators for their work.
Challenges in crypto are usually framed by the "trilemma" of scalability, security, decentralization. You can have 2 of 3, we hear.
Ethereum struggles with scalability—it gets slower and costlier as it grows.
Blockchains are really timelines of sequential events that are "globally ordered": each event must be verified in relation to all the rest.
That's necessary for *composability*—for one transaction to build off another, like an excel function of another function.
But it makes blockchains really hard to scale bc there are more and more events to verify over time. Each node stores the whole blockchain.
Eth 2.0 wants to scale through sharding. Each "shard" is a separate blockchain, w/ fewer events to verify. Everything gets faster.
But there's no answer how the shards would be composable—interoperable—between themselves.
That's the dilemma: scalability vs. composability.
Solana has one great solution here: proof-of-history. PoH uses *partial* rather than *global* ordering so that the entire blockchain doesn't need to be verified.
As a result, it avoids sharding to scale—and avoids the issues facing Polkadot, Near, Cosmos, etc.
I'm bullish on Solana. But I also wonder if there will be limits to a single, centralized shard, especially one that requires expensive hardware only a few can currently afford. (Costs will, presumably, come down over time.)Radix Solutions and Features -
Radix's solution does something far more, well, radical.
It uses shards to increase scalability. But these shards are "braided," meaning each shard is verified by two others so that ultimately they all interconnect without waiting on each other. Composability is maintained.
So Radix is possibly the only project in crypto being built that will be able to handle 1M+ transactions per second in a future of micro-transactions and streaming money.
But its braided sharding has another major implication too.
It means any given transaction can specify which shards are relevant for verification without calling on the others. This is fast "partial ordering," but it also changes what's possible in DeFi.
Because now devs can make components that flexibly draw on each other.
One ideological problem in web3 is that we want information to be totally free and available through collective open-source development.
But we also want creators to get paid for their work.
Radix solves this as the only project that really enables "money legos."
Any dev can create an open-source tool in the Radix ecosystem while setting conditions for its use: i.e. get 10% of the proceeds when you use my tool in your project.
Other devs can use these "components" and quickly spin up projects while splitting revenue w/original de
In other words you can make work for *free* online for public use and make money any time it's used by a project for monetary gain.
Devs will be incentivized to build for each other openly while easily building on each other's work—and splitting revenue fairly
It's popular to talk about "money legos" in DeFi.
But Radix is the only project that's making it possibl
In that sense, Radix is Github plus recurring revenue for creators
To read more on Radix, check out their wonderful whitepaper that lays out some of the practical use cases: https://t.co/TqO5EvHEcW