Life lesson my favorite one

17 May 2023

A man, who had four sons, wanted to teach his children that he should not judge them in haste so Iru went to Sibhimara far away to see the first son, the second son the third daughter in the summer season, and the fourth son without a daughter. At first, the son did not say, The plant is damaged and bent. It is not leaning on one side The second son Gidu is Bhurna's name, and the third son is full of buds "Gidavu is playing the masapi of fifty seats of flowers. It looks beautiful. The fourth son told, The plant is full of fruit, its life There is hope that it has been achieved. Father said You all have understood correctly because you all have seen the plant in different seasons time Therefore, a single season is not enough to make a decision about a plant or a person, the decision will be correct only when all the seasons have to be completed to know happiness and love in life. In spring itself, we miss the pleasantness of spring season, the beauty of fields and rains. Hardships in one season do not spoil the happiness in the following seasons. Life should not be judged by a single difficult incident. Don't judge a person in sudden situation always wait for some time.

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