Hydrogen Economy: Myths and Unlocking Potential

4 Jan 2024

What is Hydrogen Economy ?

The Hydrogen Economy is a concept which aims use of clean, adaptable, and affordable fuel made of hydrogen. In this context, large-scale government-supported research are being conducted all over the world for the use of hydrogen as a fuel. Hydrogen can be obtained from different sources, such as natural gas, water, biomass, etc. Because of this most significant aspect of hydrogen is that it can be produced using water and renewable energy sources and that it does not create greenhouse gas emissions when used as a fuel. Hydrogen, which has a very high potential to replace the fossil resources that are currently running out, can also provide energy security for political reasons. Countries that have accelerated their hydrogen studies and used their resources for these studies will also see the economic opportunities of using hydrogen as a fuel in the near future. Hydrogen has various applications, such as power generation, heating, mobility, and chemical industry. Because of these different uses some misconceptions about the hydrogen economy are formed. First of all, hydrogen is not an energy source, but an energy carrier. This means that hydrogen needs to be produced from other energy sources, and the environmental impact of hydrogen depends on how it is produced. For example, hydrogen produced from renewable energy sources which called green hydrogen create much lower carbon emission than hydrogen produced from natural gas without carbon capture and storage. So, it cannot be said that all hydrogen uses are eco-friendly. Another misconception regarding hydrogen production is its high cost. While hydrogen production is not a new technology, years of research have led to cost reductions and the development of various technologies. Although hydrogen is still more expensive than today's fuels, it has become an inevitable option to achieve the world's carbon-neutral goals.
Today, the electrolyzers required for green hydrogen production are increasing in capacity and becoming more economical. One of the most common concerns people have about hydrogen is the safety of its transportation and storage. Hydrogen has a very low molecular weight, which presents challenges in terms of storage. However, composite storage tanks are now being produced for high-pressure hydrogen storage. Standards have been established for the production of these tanks and the filling of hydrogen into them. Additionally, concerns have arisen about the combustion of hydrogen, as it can react with a sufficient amount of oxygen to produce an invisible flame. Nevertheless, various studies have been conducted to mitigate the risks associated with fuel cell vehicles and hydrogen refueling stations, resulting in the establishment of safety standards in this context.

Hydrogen Economy in Türkiye's Future

Türkiye has an economy that is highly dependent on other countries in terms of fossil fuels and energy supply. For this reason, the hydrogen economy should definitely be among Türkiye's future plans. The fact that Türkiye is very rich in renewable energy resources (solar,wind and biomass etc.) will be very beneficial in green hydrogen production. Countries that are so dependent on foreign energy have turned to different energy sources and developed new technologies. Countries prefer to provide their own energy, especially due to the recent wars and political tension in the world. Türkiye should also consider the hydrogen economy in terms of both economic reasons and energy security and provide the necessary support for research and investments. In addition to being a fuel, hydrogen is also used in the production of important chemicals such as ammonia and methanol. Türkiye can also benefit from this aspect of hydrogen and export carbon neutral products abroad. The use of hydrogen is relatively low because the production and storage of green hydrogen is still more costly than other fuels and studies on this subject are ongoing. Public concerns about hydrogen should be resolved and included in future plans. Speaking specifically for Turkey, it should establish its regulations on the hydrogen economy and increase its investments for the necessary supply network. Due to its location, Türkiye should address this issue not only from an economic perspective but also from an environmental and security perspective

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