πŸ“– 5 MUST KNOWβ€œ facts for crypto trading beginners πŸ“–

5 Feb 2024

Some facts I recommend to read, inhale & think about now and remember forever if investing even a cent into coins:

1. Forget "again user x made 234,567 Mio in 2,3 hrs" - You most probably won't reproduce it if you're not really, really, really...... lucky. Gambling, betting and lottery have bigger winning rates.

2. Don't put your money blindly (without research) on the desk - Why would you earn fiat with hard work, and finally go to a shop to buy ANYTHING the vendor chooses? Will he give you the bestsellers or some old crap, most probably?

3. Don't follow signals blindly - Do you know the person behind the user name? Do you know and understand where his reputation comes from? What, if he is a rich 12year old with some luck throughout the last few months, but finally blows up his account, pulling you into the total loss? Does he care about 5.000 USD? Do you?

4. Why do you think there are influencers? Do you recognize if somebody shouts out a product/coin to loud? - This people are there to produce opinions, fear, greed, pull you into deals you don't really require, whatever... They are there to produce money for people instrumenting the market from the top. This people are there with a lot of money and INFLUENCE the market with their tools (the influencers) in order to make more money and you are not one of them. That's it. Usually, there are no reasonable facts behind the rumours they produce artificially. The point is: You never know when they trash the product and leave you alone with a lot of loss because you weren't in their circle. So forget posts like "MUST BUY COIN XXX! 5000000% profit!!!"

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