CHROMATİC - #0 Coming Soon! Register for extra rewards of up to 30%
⭐️ Liquidity Boost Round#0 coming soon! Register early to receive a total of 30% extra rewards!
- Register here: (The registration opens 7th Feb, 00:00 UTC)
Chromatic Protocol is excited to introduce the Liquidity Boost Program. This initiative aims to kick off our mainnet launch with robust liquidity by offering an extra LP Boosting Rate as a reward for users providing liquidity early on.
The Liquidity Boost program is open to all who provide liquidity, but those who register during the pre-registration period will receive additional rewards of up to 30%. The pre-registration for Liquidity Boost Round#0 will run in three one-week batches starting from January 24th, spanning a total of three weeks. Below are the detailed schedule and additional benefits.
Schedule and Details
Those who join the pre-registration will receive additional rewards when providing liquidity. The program runs in three one-week rounds, with cumulative extra rewards leading up to a total of 30% Extra Liquidity Boost Reward. Remember, the more weeks you join, the higher your total reward!Pre-registration for Liquidity Boost
LP Boosting Round #0 pre-registration period.
- 24 Jan - 13 Feb (total of 3 weeks).
Pre-registration week 1
15% Stone
- 24 Jan 00:00 - 30 Jan 23:59 UTC
- 15% Extra LP rewards
- Register here: The registration form closed at 31th Jan, 00:00 UTC
Pre-registration week 2
10% Stone
- 31 Jan 00:00 - 6 Feb 23:59 UTC
- 10% Extra LP rewards
- If you registered in Week 1, you can receive a total of 25% additional rewards.
- Register here: The registration form closed at 7th Feb, 00:00 UTC
Pre-registration week 3
5% Stone
- 7 Feb 00:00 - 13 Feb 23:59 UTC
- 5% Extra LP rewards
- If you registered in both Week 1 and 2, you’re eligible for a total of 30% additional rewards.
- Register here: (The registration opens 7th Feb, 00:00 UTC)
Liquidity Boost Round#0 Warmup Pool launch
- 21 Feb
How to Participate
During the pre-registration period, get up to a 30% boost stones by submitting your wallet address on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd pre-registration Google forms above.
Provide liquidity to the warmup pools for Liquidity Boost Round #0, which will take place on February 21st. Once the warmup period ends, the collected liquidity will be transferred to the liquidity pools of mainnet, and liquidity providers will receive CHRMA.
Don’t forget, you can participate in all three weeks! By joining each pre-registration week, you can accumulate up to a total of 30% in additional rewards.
The era of decentralized futures exchange is not coming; it’s here. See the Future on Chromatic.
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