Origin: The two most important questions that humanity has asked.

20 Feb 2024

Origin is a work of suspense and mystery that introduces us to the world of symbology, art and technology. Where we come from? Where we go? These are the two questions that have obsessed human beings since the beginning of time, and that have given rise to religions, philosophies and sciences. But what if someone had found the definitive answer to these questions? What if that response was so revolutionary that it put the balance of the world at risk? The protagonist, Robert Langdon, an expert in religious symbology at Harvard University, receives a mysterious invitation from his former student Edmond Kirsch, a young billionaire and visionary who has made a fortune with his technological inventions and his predictions about the future. Kirsch asks him to attend a presentation at the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, where he is going to reveal to the world a discovery that will change the face of science and history forever.

Langdon attends the event, along with the museum's director, Ambra Vidal, who is the fiancée of the crown prince of Spain, Julián. There, they meet hundreds of guests and millions of viewers who follow the live broadcast on the internet. Kirsch announces to them that he has found the answer to humanity's two most important questions, based on the latest advances in physics, biology and artificial intelligence. But, before revealing his discovery, the presentation is interrupted by an attack that ends Kirsch's life and leaves Langdon and Ambra as the only ones who know the key to accessing his work.

Langdon and Ambra are forced to flee Bilbao and begin a frantic search through Spain, following the clues that Kirsch has left them on his mobile phone, a cutting-edge device called Winston, which has artificial intelligence capable of interacting with them and help them in their mission. His goal is to find the location of the password that will allow them to access Kirsch's server and spread his discovery to the world, before it is destroyed by his enemies.

But they will not be alone in their search: a mysterious religious organization called El Palmar de Troya, which opposes the modernization of the Catholic Church and which has the support of Bishop Valdespino, one of the most influential advisors of the king of Spain, tells them. will pursue to prevent them from revealing Kirsch's secret, which they consider a threat to faith and world order. In addition, they will have to face the Spanish authorities, who also want to find Kirsch's server and avoid a political scandal.

Origin is a novel that, like its predecessors, has an unstoppable pace, a plot full of action, intrigue and surprises, and characters that will make you live their adventure as if it were your own. Dan Brown demonstrates his talent for combining fiction with reality, creating a story that will make you question everything you think you know about the origin and destiny of humanity, the art of Gaudí and Dalí, the history of Spain and the technology of future.

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