Goku (Dragon Ball)
Goku (Dragon Ball)
Goku was introduced as a peculiar, monkey-tailed boy who knows martial arts and possesses supernatural powers. As the story progresses it turns out to be a cosmic fictional community, the Saiyans, who are said to be the most powerful warriors in the fantasy world.
Goku was based on one of Toriyama's older characters, Taitan, who appeared as a fictional character in a one-off series called Dragon Boy.
Showcasing his creativity in this character, Toriyama said that he transformed Goku into a human boy with a monkey's tail, rather than a complete monkey like Sun Wukong. He decided to do this because even when Goku tried to hide, his tail would be visible. Although Goku is understood to be a man from another planet, Toriyama had previously thought of making him an Earth creature, but, with the introduction of new warriors from other planets, decided that Goku There is a Saiyan. In an attempt to speed up the story, Toriyama gives Goku the ability to communicate via teleport to any planet in just seconds.
Goku was generally recognized by his distinctive style of hair, which changed his hair color and length depending on the height of his Super Saiyan appearance, which changed his length at some point throughout the series. did not change. This is said by Vegeta to be a common characteristic of passionate Saiyans. Because of his devotion to Earth, Goku prefers to wear a G uniform and has turned down Saiyan's offers to wear combat suits, considering himself an Earthling.