What is electricity? What is electric current? What is resistance? What are the basic electrical con
Electricity, which is among the indispensable elements of humanity, makes daily life easier; It is a mandatory need used in many areas from economy to technology, from health to transportation. Well, have you wondered about electricity, which is indispensable in our daily lives? What is electrical energy? What is electric current? What is resistance? What are the basic electrical concepts?
Electricity: It is the energy produced when a current moves towards a certain point with the force of attraction in a free environment, thanks to electrons. This is how electrical devices operate by creating voltage with electric current.
Objects are units composed of atoms and molecules. As a result of breaking an object into pieces, it is revealed that the smallest unit that gives that object its properties consists of atoms and molecules. Atoms are composed of a nucleus in the center and many electrons around it. Electrons outside these atoms; They break away from their orbits due to magnetic field, heat and some chemical reactions and take on a free form. The movement of energy generated by these free electrons creates electricity. In a sense, this means that the electric current uses free electrons to create voltage. 
Electric Current: It is the flow of free electrons through a cross-section of a conductor. This also means that electricity flows through conductive materials. Ampere; It is called the unit of electric current. In order for electric current to flow through a circuit, that circuit must be a closed circuit. If there is an opening in the circuit, free electrons cannot pass through and electric current cannot be generated. These circuits are; They are called open circuits.
Electrical Voltage: Electrons that flow through conductive circuits. In order for this current to occur, a force must be applied to the electrical circuit. Free electrons move thanks to a force. This allows electricity to be generated. This force that occurs to cause electrons to move is called "Voltage". Volt is specified as a unit of voltage. Its short form is; It is indicated by the letters "V" and "E".
Resistance: Due to the application of voltage to the ends of a conductor, free electrons become mobile by changing places. With the voltage applied to this circuit, current encounters difficulties in moving to both ends. These difficulties are; A retarding and impressive situation occurs in terms of the passage of electrons; This situation is called resistance. Resistance in circuit; It creates a limitation against the current in the circuit. "Ohm" is used as the unit of resistance. It is also indicated as a letter "R" or "r".