Learn to say sorry

15 Oct 2022

Growing up, I never really thought it was
important to say I was sorry. It's not
something my parents did often, and it wasn't
something they expected from me often either.
I didn't apologize to my siblings when I hurt
them, neither did I apologize to my friends in
school when I offended them. It's not like I
wasn't repentant, or sorry, I just didn't feel the
need to say it.
Maybe I could wave my hand and keep an
apologetic face, or mop the staircase, or
something. Not offer a five letter word lighter
than air.
I think I was fifteen years old when I sat with
one of my friends in our school's multipurpose
hall and someone walked in and poured a
bottle of water on him. It was a Joke', but
apparently my friend wasn't having it.
I got angry on his behalf, but then the
offender said-he was sorry.

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