Causes of Violence in Football

20 Jan 2024

The state of individual and social chaos that emerges in times of rapid change in societies and gradually turns into lawlessness is the source of aggressive behavior and acts of violence. The individual anomie caused by these negativities causes a great accumulation of anger in the masses that make up this subculture. These masses see sports fields and football matches as the most suitable environment in which they can express their anger.

Common characteristics of people who tend to violence:

  • Jealousy,
  • Intense fear of loss,
  • Fear and anxiety,
  • Desire to suppress or control the emotions of others,
  • Selfishness in desires, overreacting when not present,
  • Giving more importance to one's own desires, desires, feelings and needs,
  • Entering into unrealistic expectations ,
  • Extreme sensitivity,
  • Low self-confidence, not actually believing it internally,
  • Looking for the reasons for their problems outside,
  • Getting rid of problems by blaming others,
  • Not knowing themselves,
  • Not accepting their mistakes,
  • Believing that they are always wronged,
  • Emotional changes,
  • They have common characteristics such as belonging to an instructive, guiding, encouraging and oppressive group.

There are many types of aggressive violence. The causes of all of them show a complex structure that is intertwined with each other. Introverted violence is when a person destroys himself, and outward violence is when a person punishes the people or communities around him by destroying, injuring, or destroying them. The approaches and evaluations of various disciplines to the subject help us recognize the dimensions of the problem. Biological, psychological and social factors play a role in the emergence of aggressive violence.

Psycho-Biological Approach

Research emphasizes the need to consider both the victim and the perpetrator in terms of gender, age and certain psychiatric diseases in the biological evaluation of aggressive violence. The fact that the perpetrators are mostly male draws attention to the relationship between sex hormones and aggressive behavior. A research has also found a significant relationship between differences in men's testosterone levels and aggressive behavior. On the other hand, the low number of victims and perpetrators in older ages can also be considered due to age-related psychobiological changes. Among psychiatric diseases, schizophrenia, paranoia and especially antisocial personality structure constitute important risk groups. When examined from a psycho-biological perspective, antisocial personality disorder is defined as a chronic pathological form that keeps the activities of both the autonomic and central nervous systems under control. The insensitivity of people with antisocial personality disorder to punishment is also explained with the same approach.

In Antisocial Personality Disorder, lying, stealing, quarrelsomeness, truancy and resistance to authority are the most typical features of childhood. The long-term behavioral patterns of this personality structure are as follows;

  • Irresponsibility
  • Reactive and thoughtless behavior
  • Unscrupulous behavior
  • Criminal behavior involving crime

Psychological Approach

When psychiatrists want to investigate the factors that lead to violent behavior, they often first turn to examining the personality structure of the individual. The social and cultural environment created by the individual's personality structure, if it is a negative environment, may make the individual prone to violence. People with personality disorders cannot establish healthy relationships with others, their families, their immediate and distant environment, society and culture, because of the conflict and contradiction in their psychological lives, and they cannot suppress, control or prevent behaviors arising from instincts and impulses. For this reason, they get angry and angry unnecessarily and unnecessarily. They show aggression and commit acts of violence towards nature, people and objects.

When we look at theoretical approaches, we see that aggression is evaluated in terms of the foundations of human psychology, developmental theories and social learning theories. Developmental theory evaluates love in early parent-child relationships as protecting the individual from violence and stopping violence. Childhood experiences based on punitive discipline and abuse prevent the development of internal control. He/she is prone to authoritarian control and adopts the examples of the developmental period.

In terms of social learning theories, adopting and appreciating the roles presented as models and solving problems helps children and young people to adopt these models. The most fundamental role in this regard is played by films and visual and written media. There are studies showing that violence occurs in the dimension of learning behavior, on the one hand, and stereotypes, compliance and obedience behavior, on the other hand. For example, Scott's animal experiments reveal that animals can be trained to show violence.

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