Own a Piece of Cannes in the Metaverse

2 Jul 2024

French Riviera Embraces the Metaverse
Get ready for a virtual French Riviera experience! The iconic city of Cannes has taken a groundbreaking step into the metaverse, selling NFTs (non-fungible tokens) of its most famous landmarks for a staggering €330,000.

Iconic Sites Up for Grabs
Think you can own a piece of the Croisette or the Palais des Festivals? This auction made it a reality! Ten coveted locations, including the aforementioned landmarks, the Old Port, Malmaison, and Le Suquet, were offered as NFTs. These 3D models can be integrated into the metaverse, allowing holders to potentially host virtual events and generate future profits.

A Pioneering Auction
“This is the first time NFTs are linked to real estate locations,” says Arnaud Oliveux, the leading auctioneer. Cannes is truly a trendsetter, pushing the boundaries of digital ownership and heritage preservation.

Bidding Frenzy & Future Potential
Every NFT found a buyer, with the prestigious Palais des Festivals fetching the highest bid (€65,000). The Croisette wasn’t far behind, selling for €59,040. Imagine hosting a virtual film festival on the NFT-owned Croisette — the possibilities are endless!

Beyond the Bling: Preserving Legacy
Cannes isn’t just cashing in on the NFT craze. They see it as a way to safeguard their heritage. “NFTs, secured by blockchain technology, protect our heritage,” explains Mathilde Bernard, mayoral advisor.

A Global Trend on the Horizon?
Cannes’ innovative approach is paving the way for other cities. “We’re seeing interest from Middle Eastern cities,” says Charles-Henri Puaux, e-commerce specialist.

Cannes is leading the charge into a virtual future. With its iconic landmarks now part of the metaverse, the French Riviera is ready to captivate a whole new generation of visitors.

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