All You Need to Know About BULBmoji NFTs 2.0

25 Apr 2023


Back by popular demand, we will be releasing an additional 250 BULBmoji NFTs on April 27th from 12pm AEST! 

It’s time we recap some of the basics in terms of what BULBmoji NFTs do, why you should get one, and how NFT Launch 2.0 will be slightly different to our first launch in January 2023.

What is a BULBmoji NFT and Why Get One?

A BULBmoji NFT is a special type of BULBmoji that helps you boost your rewards when using the platform. Each NFT allows you to earn more BULB points and use less energy for completing daily ‘actions’ on the platform, whether it be reading, writing, sharing, moderating, commenting or reacting. 

The size of your rewards depends on the class of BULBmoji NFT activated. There are 6 classes of BULBmojis: One for reading, writing, sharing, moderating, commenting and reacting. There are also 5 rarities: Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary and Champion. Combine a ‘class’ with a ‘rarity’ and you have a special type of BULBmoji NFT, whether it be a ‘Legendary Moderator’ or a ‘Champion Writer’. 

BULBmoji NFT Rarities

Here’s a summary of all the different types of BULBmoji NFTs you can get:

Potential BULBmoji NFT types

The rarer the BULBmoji NFT, the more points you can earn from it, and the more rewards you will get! Pretty simple.

So, why get one? By purchasing a BULBmoji NFT, you’re essentially boosting your earnings capacity while saving more energy. This helps you maximise your BULB points so you can rank higher on the weekly BULB leaderboard and also earn more BULB Tokens, all for the same amount of work!

Even more so, your BULBmoji NFT will ‘level up’ the more you use it increasing your rewards over time! 

So, What’s Different About NFT Launch 2.0?

In NFT Launch 2.0, the team will be releasing 250 more BULBmoji NFTs. If you didn’t get in last time, now’s the chance for you to open another BULBmoji pack to see if you get the NFT you’ve wanted!

This time, however, the team has also done away with tiered NFT packs. Rather than purchasing a Bronze, Silver or Gold Pack, all you need to do is buy one Master BULBmoji Pack from BULB’s ‘Shop’ for a chance to get a Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary or Champion BULBmoji NFT. This will help promote fairness, giving everyone an equal chance to access BULBmoji NFTs of all levels even if they have less BULB Tokens. It's just better this way.

Each BULBmoji pack will cost 25,000 BULB Tokens, with the cost of each pack doubling for each additional pack you purchase. Again, this is to promote fairness and to ensure everyone has a chance to pick up one of these little guys.

Make sure you get in early!

How do I Get a BULBmoji NFT?

Like January 2023, you can purchase a BULBmoji NFT in one of two ways:

  1. Open a BULBmoji Pack from the ‘Shop’ Menu for 25,000 BULB Tokens
  2. Visit the ‘Marketplace’ to explore the BULBmoji NFTs for sale

If you want to sell a BULBmoji NFT, you can list your NFT through the Marketplace for a set price in SOL. 


That’s all you need to know about NFT Launch 2.0! Make sure you’re ready and waiting for the drop; they sold out last time! 

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