Street Photography - Playing in The Park

22 Feb 2024

I had looked at the activity at Jayandaru Monument, Sidoarjo and children were playing around in front of the monument. Many children were playing at the fountains, and the weather was cloudy at noon. Then I took several photos and focused on children playing at the fountain. They seemed to be having fun playing even though the weather at that time was cloudy, and actually, it wasn't good for taking photos. Actually, this was a good moment but unfortunately it wasn't supported by good weather. (hpx)

Saya sempat melihat aktivitas di Tugu Jayandaru, Sidoarjo dan anak-anak sedang bermain-main di depannya. Banyak anak-anak bermain di air mancur, dan cuaca mendung pada siang hari. Kemudian saya mengambil beberapa foto dan fokus pada anak-anak yang sedang bermain di air mancur. Mereka tampak asyik bermain padahal cuaca pada saat itu mendung, dan sebetulnya agak kurang bagus untuk mengambil foto. Sebetulnya ini adalah momen yang bagus tapi sayang tidak didukung oleh cuaca yang bagus. (hpx)

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