The 100th.
Some milestones, achievements and magical figures has great importance in our life. Especially in professional career these milestone brings pride , joy , dignity and fame. We , as individuals, always have hunger of visibility and happiness which both fulfill by these milestones.
Magical figures like silver jubilee, golden or platinum jubilee, 50th or 100th match , 100 score , 100th production, 100th goal etc. In the field of blogging author loves his each creativity because he writes with passion, dedication and love but here too magical figures have lot of charm.Today I am writing My 100th article on Bulb. Yes , you read right, I am feeling pleasure, reflection of my struggle, joy of accomplishment, pride of success and love to myself. The moments are special to me because it dignified my soul , satisfaction to my heart and giving extra ordinary oxygen to my lungs to breathe with excitement.
It was 23th of October last year when I write my first ever article here as my introduction. Then i keep writing and day comes of December 2023 when a verified badge medal awarded to me. Later in February my first ever NFT purchase was talker from BULBmoji series. I was in very first batch of users who invest in bulb staking. Although I put share of only 110K $BULB in staking but still satisfied and looking for another instalment to invest soon.
What I learn on my journey of the 100th blogging here on Bulb that ,
The journey has opportunities.
I understand that if we keep moving, the day will come when we reach our destination, achieve our prime goal. So the journey is everything in any field. We should be in move even a single step a day. Blogging too required consistency of work. Irregular attendance and unscheduled articles , unpopular topics can Swap out your career.
Greatness in hardwok.
The prestigious learning is our hardwok never goes in waste. It will pay back but yes may it took some more time in specific circumstances. But finally has sweet rewards for us. So do your maximum in your work.
Connectivity has dignity.
In blogging author must keep a strong connectivity with his audience. Appreciate their comments and feed back , visit their blogs and applause to good contents. This relationship between author and blogging platform, author with audience should be maintained in good respect.
Loyalty is more then work.
We must be loyal to platform, it's rules, native token, features and socials. Loyalty generates love which ultimately ends on good work. Keeping positive attitude while on other socials, presenting platform to our friends in good way , talking wisely in conversations.
Effort first and expect later.
My last learning is about rewards. Most of new users want warm bread on first sitting which is never possible. So according to my personal experience, we should do effort first and then expect rewards, earning later. Nothing in world you can get before work especially in finance. If you have expectations vice versa then sorry to say you can't survive.
Thank you everyone here on bulb who always support me , read my blogs and thumbs up in upvote. My 100th article will be my unforgettable memory in my blogging career.