History Of Computer Viruses

22 Jul 2024

The word virus was first used by Fred Cohen, a student of the University of California, in his research paper. In his research paper, the student had shown how to write a computer program that enters the computer and attacks its system, just like a virus enters our body and infects it. It was very difficult to find the first computer virus. People did not know about it till the 1980s and people also denied that there is any such program that can harm the computer.

Among the modern viruses, the first virus is considered to be C Brain, which spread on a large scale all over the world. This virus became a news because the name, address and release year (1986) of the virus creator was present in this virus. The names of two Pakistani brothers Basit and Amjad, their company name and full address were available in that program. At that time the virus was completely new, so people did not think about it very seriously.

In early 1988, the Macintosh Peace virus emerged. This virus was created by Richard Brando, publisher of the magazine MacMag. This virus was specifically designed to disrupt the Macintosh operating system and on March 2, 1988, the following message appeared on the screen.

"Richard Brando, publisher of MacMag, and its employees would like to send a message of world peace to all Macintosh users in the world."

Viruses kept on coming day by day and to avoid them, users started looking for solutions to this problem and then anti-virus software was invented which is a complete industry in itself today. But as anti-virus software kept on being made, new viruses also started being made at the same pace. When the anti-virus software industry realized that they have now taken control of it, then macro viruses emerged. Normal viruses used to infect executable files and system area while macro viruses started infecting files of micro software Word.

After this, many viruses were made which work in different ways.

Symptoms Of The Virus: -

β€’ Loss of useful information in the computer.
β€’ Changing directories.
β€’ Formatting hard disk and floppy disk.
β€’ Decreasing the speed of the computer.
β€’ Changing the function of keyboard keys.
β€’ Changing the data of programs and other files.
β€’ Stopping files from executing.
β€’ Giving useless information on the screen.
β€’ Entering the boot sector and not allowing the computer to work.
β€’ Changing the size of files.

Types Of Computer Virus

Boot Sector Virus: This type of virus is stored in the boot sector of floppy and hard disk. When the computer is started, it hinders the loading of the operating system and if somehow the operating system starts working, then it starts hindering other functions of the computer.

Partition Table Virus

This type of virus damages the partition table of the hard disk. These viruses do not harm the computer data. It affects the master boot record of the hard disk and has the following consequences.

β€’ It executes itself at the high priority location of the master boot record.

β€’ It reduces the capacity of RAM.

β€’ It causes errors in the input/output control program of the disk.

File Virus

This virus damages the files of the computer. It damages the .exe file. These are called file viruses.

Stealth Virus

As per their name, stealth viruses make every possible effort to hide their identity from the computer user. These are called stealth viruses.

Virus Polymorphic

This virus has the ability to change itself repeatedly so that each infection looks completely different from the original infection. Such a virus is extremely difficult to stop because it is completely different each time.

Macro Virus

Macro viruses are specifically designed to damage certain types of files such as documents, spreadsheets, etc. These viruses only damage Microsoft Office files.

Overwrite Virus

This is the simplest computer virus. This is a type of malicious program that deletes the original program code present in the computer. This virus is designed to delete a particular file and application.

Rabbit Virus

Rabbit Virus is also known as fork bomb which slows down the speed of the computer.

Append Virus

APPEND virus is a virus that inserts its harmful code at the end of the file. Append Virus is difficult to detect compared to other viruses because this virus does not harm any part of the computer, due to which the user is not able to detect that this virus is present in his computer.

Resident Virus

This is a type of virus that is present in the primary memory of the computer which we also call RAM. When a user opens the computer, this virus becomes active and corrupts the files running in the computer. Resident viruses are harmful for any computer because they have the ability to damage the entire computer.

Multipartite Virus

This virus infects the files present in the computer in many ways. It damages the boot sector and executable files on the hard drive. Multipartite Virus spreads very fast in the computer.

Computer Worm

Computer worm is a type of virus but is technically different from a virus. Like a virus, computer worm can also spread in a computer. This virus does not require any type of program to spread in the system. It can spread automatically in the computer and damage the files. Computer worm spreads in the computer through the network.

Trojan Horse

This is a type of malware. When a user installs a new program in the computer, then this virus enters the computer. This virus provides unauthorized access to the computer. Trojan Horse can delete the files present in the system.

Cavity Virus

Cavity virus is also known as Spacefiller virus. This virus is present in the empty part of the file and it is very difficult for the user to identify this virus.

Encrypted Virus

Encrypted virus encrypts the data and files present in the hard drive. There are two types of encrypted viruses, the first is encrypted virus body and the second is decryptor.

Executable Virus

This is a non-resident computer virus that is present in executable files. This virus becomes active when the infected files are executed.

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