Three ways to make your web design stand out.

25 Dec 2022

The Tech industry is becoming very highly competitive especially for web designers. There are over a thousand web designers out there and jobs are gradually becoming limited. In other to stand out as an excellent designer, you need to do simple but outstanding things that is not common among other designers.
Here are 5 things you can do to stand out as an excellent designer.

  1. Main CTA: Main lockup is a huge tool to excellent web design. Main lockup is when you have your Header text, your body text and your main call to action button in the same place in your hero section in this order. A lot of designers end up confusing their users when the have too many call to action button on the hero section of their website. It is advised that the main call to action button should be emphasized and the rest de-emphasized or you can as well have only one call to action button just to keep things simple and not confusing.
  2. Tease Continuation: This is done by putting half of a content or the beginning of another content on your website on the upper fold after the hero section and the second half of the content beneath the other fold, such that your user sees the first fold without seeing the other part. This will prompt the user to scroll down. Teasing continuation is a way of telling your user to scroll down without actually telling them to scroll down just to see more content on your website.

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