The mystery of the Gunung Padang pyramid

24 Feb 2024

Perhaps when talking about pyramids, many people will immediately imagine famous pyramids in the world such as Kheops pyramid, Khufu pyramid or Great Pyramid of Giza, but few people know about Gunung Padang pyramid. , but the most special thing is that this pyramid "originates" from Southeast Asia...

History begin
Egypt's oldest pyramid was built nearly 5,000 years ago but a similar structure hidden deep under the rubble could be four times larger. If so, this may make it necessary for scientists to rewrite history for the prehistoric period and attempt to unravel this extremely advanced but extremely mysterious ancient civilization.

According to geologist Dr. Danny Hilman, an area in West Java (Indonesia) needs more attention because there is an ancient temple built about 9,000 to 20,000 years ago. That is Gunung Padang - evidence that an extremely large civilization was formed long ago but never really existed in current research. There are countless ancient megalithic sites (made up of large rocks) around the world that have brought confusion and amazement to researchers across the globe.

All of these ancient relics are signs that the earth may have once been home to advanced ancient civilizations, and it seems that mainstream researchers have not properly noted level of achievements of the ancients

This archaeological site was first reported in 1914 as a result of a study for the Dutch colonial office (in Indonesia - where this site is located). 33 years later, a research team from the Center for Archaeological Research at the Australian National University determined the relative age of this site, raising many questions in the archaeological world.

However, according to locals, this site has been known for millennia. No one knew the importance of this ancient relic until shocking results from recent research appeared. According to research, Gunung Padang is the last pyramid in Southeast Asia.

This is actually one of the few pyramids discovered in the region and could prove to be one of the most important ancient monuments ever discovered in the world. Researchers speculate that this structure has countless rooms and cellars below the raised ground overgrown with trees, the walls and adjacent areas are covered under dense vegetation that has developed. developed on this site for centuries.

Results of analysis of drill core samples at this monument have revealed surprising dates; The deeper researchers drill down, the more mysterious this mystery becomes. This site has been dated to at least 5,000 years old, then from 8,000 to 10,000 years old and finally up to a reported age of 23,000 years old.

This shows that Gunung Padang is not only the oldest megalithic monument on earth, but it is also the oldest pyramid-shaped structure according to our current knowledge. Radioactive analyzes of carbon element composition in some cement samples in drill core collected at a depth of 5-15m, conducted in 2012 at the prestigious BETALAB Laboratory in Miami, USA, showed that its date ranges from 13,000 to 23,000 years ago.
However, like all other spectacular monuments with even more startling dates that have challenged historical orthodoxy, the chronology of Gunung Padang has also been heavily criticized and questioned by many. Researchers. So, there must be a mistake somewhere?; This was the first conclusion made by researchers when they received results from dating techniques.


This relic cannot be dated to more than 20,000 years old, this is simply impossible, right? That was the first objection of expert Thomas, from New York University, because according to this expert, according to Darwin's theory of evolution, human civilization could not have appeared more than 10,000 years ago. And before that, humans, according to this theory, were just primitive people, living in holes, relying on gathering and hunting to survive.

Therefore, the existence of an ancient relic (a sign of civilization) dating back to more than 10,000 years old would be an argument against this theory. However, to the surprise of both skeptics and researchers, so far no one has been able to find any errors in the core drilling process to take dating samples at this relic. in radioactive dating techniques are used to produce such "unprecedented" results. This is why mainstream researchers are holding a neutral position on the age of Gunung Padang and when anyone asks about the age of this megalithic site, they answer yes. “greater than 5,000 years old…”, and this is clearly an answer that doesn't say much.
However, if the age of this monument is not interesting enough, researchers also discovered other extremely interesting details about Gunung Padang. For example, during the process of core drilling to take dating samples at this monument, scientists found that most of the "buried" structures were in fact reinforced with some type of cement. . It contains 45% iron ore, 41% silica and 14% clay, a mixture that, according to researchers, is another evidence of the highly sophisticated construction techniques that once existed. used during the construction of this project. One of the most interesting theories about ancient ruins comes from renowned author Graham Hancock, who has suggested that this ancient megalithic site may in fact contain evidence of the lost city of Atlantis. .

Because the amount of work here is quite massive, even at the deepest levels and testifies to the elaborate construction skills used to build the Egyptian pyramids or large megalithic structures. most in Europe, so I can only conclude that we are witnessing the loss of the legacy of a fairly advanced civilization."
Mr. Hancock's research suggests that this mysterious lost civilization may in fact be the same civilization mentioned by the famous philosopher Plato in two dialogues between Greek philosophers; Timaeus and Critias. These two civilizations not only have similarities in the length of their existence, but also have countless other details that can evoke many unanswered questions about the mysteries surrounding them. If the dating methods used at Gunung Padang are correct, it suggests the ancient site was erected during the height of the last ice age. During this period, geophysically, the area was very different from the scene observed today. In fact, much of Indonesia and Southeast Asia are quite different.
Sea levels were significantly lower during this period, suggesting that today's islands may in fact have been part of a larger continent in the past. Natawidjaja suggests that the Gunung Padang site is the ultimate evidence that an extremely advanced, previously unknown civilization existed in the region, and that much of its ancient and controversial history This argument is being questioned and challenged in every possible way, by mainstream researchers who cannot accommodate this monument, civilization and sophisticated knowledge in their historical records. Up to now, official documents about Gunung Padang are quite few and unclear. If this work is discovered, the history of civilizations may need to be reconsidered. And this is what gives scientists a headache, because if that were true, the history of human civilization would have to be "corrected" as a whole.

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