I'm Alive In Hell

15 May 2024

I'm alive in hell, a place of endless pain
Where the fires burn bright, and the screams remain
A place where hope is lost, and despair reigns
Where the damned souls roam, in eternal chains

The darkness surrounds me, like a shroud so tight
A heavy weight that presses, with all its might
The heat is sweltering, a burning sensation
A constant reminder, of my eternal damnation

The cries of the tormented, echo through the night
A chilling reminder, of the horrors in sight
The stench of brimstone, fills the air so thick
A noxious fume, that chokes and makes me sick

I'm trapped in this abyss, with no escape in sight
A prisoner of my sins, in this eternal night
The memories of my past, haunt me still so bright
A bittersweet reminder, of the life I left behind so light

The demons mock me, with their wicked glee
A chorus of hatred, that's all I can see
Their eyes glow like embers, as they watch me burn
A slow and agonizing death, that's all I can learn

I'm alive in hell, a place of eternal woe
Where the suffering never ends, and the pain never goes
A place where hope is lost, and despair reigns supreme
Where the damned souls roam, in a never-ending dream

The flames that engulf me, are a constant reminder
Of the price I pay, for my sins so unkind
The heat is a burning, that never subsides
A constant agony, that's all I can hide

The darkness is a shroud, that covers me so tight
A heavy weight that presses, with all its might
The cries of the tormented, echo through the night
A chilling reminder, of the horrors in sight

I'm trapped in this abyss, with no escape in sight
A prisoner of my sins, in this eternal night
The memories of my past, haunt me still so bright
A bittersweet reminder, of the life I left behind so light

The demons mock me, with their wicked glee
A chorus of hatred, that's all I can see
Their eyes glow like embers, as they watch me burn
A slow and agonizing death, that's all I can learn

I'm alive in hell, a place of eternal pain
Where the suffering never ends, and the pain never goes
A place where hope is lost, and despair reigns supreme
Where the damned souls roam, in a never-ending dream

The flames that engulf me, are a constant reminder
Of the price I pay, for my sins so unkind
The heat is a burning, that never subsides
A constant agony, that's all I can hide

The darkness is a shroud, that covers me so tight
A heavy weight that presses, with all its might
The cries of the tormented, echo through the night
A chilling reminder, of the horrors in sight

I'm trapped in this abyss, with no escape in sight
A prisoner of my sins, in this eternal night
The memories of my past, haunt me still so bright
A bittersweet reminder, of the life I left behind so light

The demons mock me, with their wicked glee
A chorus of hatred, that's all I can see
Their eyes glow like embers, as they watch me burn
A slow and agonizing death, that's all I can learn

I'm alive in hell, a place of eternal woe
Where the suffering never ends, and the pain never goes
A place where hope is lost, and despair reigns supreme
Where the damned souls roam, in a never-ending dream

The pain is a constant, that never subsides
A burning agony, that's all I can hide
The darkness is a shroud, that covers me so tight
A heavy weight that presses, with all its might

I'm trapped in this abyss, with no escape in sight
A prisoner of my sins, in this eternal night
The memories of my past, haunt me still so bright
A bittersweet reminder, of the life I left behind so light

The demons mock me, with their wicked glee
A chorus of hatred, that's all I can see
Their eyes glow like embers, as they watch me burn
A slow and agonizing death, that's all I can learn

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