Will I lose myself?

30 May 2023

Will I gradually deteriorate like a leaf that falls to the ground?
It loses all of its value if stripped of all of its autumnal tones.

Will I lose all of my vigor and strength for this life one day?
Will my once-familiar visage be disguised by all these creases and wrinkles?

Will I feel unneeded any longer?
by my friends and family?
Will the excitement of being deeply in love eventually go away?

Will I ever regain my feeling of purpose and daily motivation?
Will my thoughts get jumbled and uninteresting till I inevitably become lost?

Will I be left alone if I live longer than all of my loved ones?
Will I lose my freedom, my belongings, and my house?

Will all of my favorite memories elude my deteriorating grasp?
Will I veer off so far that I can never return?

Will I become the aging soul no one comes to see?
An empty shell of my former self, kept in the hands of strangers.

I hope to be saved from such cruelty if I am to survive.
Even though I still have a lot to offer, I don't want to be a burden.

Every experience, every love that my heart has accepted, I wish to treasure.
I must be aware of every suffering and disaster I have experienced.

hence, if one day I vanish
I implore you to reach out to me and grasp on with all your strength before I leave this existence.

I need the world to care, no matter how far I travel.
I still stay there, for so
me reason, amid that confusion.

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