3 Apr 2024

Azerbaijan is located in strategically and geopolitically important transition point in East-Western and North-Southern axis. At the same time from geographical point of view it historically is located on the ancient Silk Road, which starts from Chine and passing through Asia reaches to western poles of Europe. After the death of Nadir Shah (1747), who had a short but an effective authority in Iran after Safawids, khanates period started in Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijan khanates occurred in the result of the independence movements of the nations in very complicated historical conditions and in a period characterized with difficult problems in the international relations. After the restoration of the statism in the shape of khanates in Azerbaijan these khanates began to try maintaining independent foreign policy. The basic characters of this policy for khans were to protect their own dominance and to guarantee the foreign economic relations. In the war period between Russia and Ottoman which occurred in 1768-1774 years the relation between Azerbaijan khanates and Ottoman became stronger. Throughout the history, Ottoman-Azerbaijan relations have been continued logically, realistically and with friendly motives to provide permanent peace and stability.

In the beginning of 19th century, Azerbaijan territory was the scene of the long power struggle between Iran, who started to lose its power and Russia, who made an effort to occupy the territory. The absence of a central governmental authority, in that term, increased conflicts between khanates and weakened them against any external interventions. Because Ottoman had been fighting against Europe and Tsarist Russia, it wasn’t able to console in the struggles of the territory. The so-called geopolitical rable has brought Russia to an advantageous status as the most effective external power. Essentially, Russia has taken Caucasus under its control performing its “devide and rule” policy successfully.

Keywords: Azerbaijan, Russia, Ottoman Empire, Azerbaijani Khanate, Political Relations.

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