TON_Learn:Перевел 8 уроков на английский, буду благодарен звездам на этом репозитории. Дальше будут

10 May 2024

Перевел 8 уроков на английский, буду благодарен звездам на этом репозитории. Дальше будут уроки по стандартам Jetton и NFT. А потом новый роудмап, поэтому ниже будет опрос, если же у вас есть какие-то идеи для уроков то пишите под этим опросом.

I translated 8 lessons into English, I will be grateful to the stars on this repository. Next will be lessons on the Jetton and NFT standards. And then a new roadmap, so there will be a poll below, if you have any ideas for lessons, then write under this poll.

Девятый урок. Разбираем стандарт Jetton. Урок получился большой, поэтому пока что это драфт, возможно, что-то буду менять.

The ninth lesson in Russian about the Jetton standard, after a while I will translate it into English.

Также хотел узнать ваше мнение, стоит ли начать двигаться в сторону некоторого DAO разработчиков на TON(свои NFT, токены, сервисы, голосования о дальнейших роудмпах и материалах, привлечение новых разработчиков в TON, а также поощрение токенами Опенсорсных разработчиков и прочее), ниже будет голосование.

I also wanted to know your opinion on whether it is worth starting to move towards some DAO developers on TON (own NFTs, tokens, services, voting on further roadmaps and materials, attracting new developers to TON, as well as encouraging Open source developers with tokens and other), voting will be below.

There is a discussion in TON about semi-fungible tokens - TEP86.

Wrote a short article describing:
- what is Semi-fungible token
- how it is implemented in the Ethereum blockchain
- which companies/applications use this standard

RU link
Eng link

Lesson 14 Wallet and Contract | Go Series

In the tondev chat, questions often arise about interacting with TON using popular programming languages, especially questions about interacting with NFT collections and contracts in general.

Therefore, for I decided to make 2 lessons:
- in this lesson we will make a blank with a wallet, which we will use later, and also figure out how to deploy and interact with the contract from the first lesson
- in the next lesson we will deploy the NFT collection, and also call the Get-methods

To work with TON scripts, we will use the GO library tonutils-go.

Even if you are not familiar with GO, I am sure that this lesson and scripts will be clear to you, but just in case, at the very end of the lesson there are links to materials that will allow you to quickly get used to GO.

Links to the lesson:

RU Link | ENG Link

If you want to support the releases of lessons, there are donations addresses on the main page, I will be very grateful for the support.

Lesson 15 NFT collection deploy

In this lesson:

- how to take information about NFT collection
- how to take information about NFT item
- how to deploy NFT collection
- how to deploy NFT item

with tonutils-go library

The lesson turned out to be very practical, I hope you enjoy it! Further there will be articles and new lessons about how to make applications on TON.

Links ENG | RU

18 Lesson Hacking Simple Smart Contract

I decided to analyze the tasks from the last hack challenge in order to collect lessons on the vulnerability of smart contracts.

In this tutorial, we'll look at how compiler optimization of a smart contract can lead to a vulnerability.

ENG devto_link
RU habr_link

Important! This article is a great entry point for new people to TON, so I will be very grateful if you support the articles on the sites with your upvotes, this way you will help bring new cool people to TON).

What are reserve currencies in crypto and how does it work

Most categories of projects with TVL are clear in their name.But there are also those categories of projects that cause problems with understanding. One such category is reserve currencies/protocols.

- what are reserve tokens
- what mechanisms allow to stabilize the price
- which leads to possible high APYs
- why critics think it's a Ponzi scheme

P.S Perhaps we will see such tokens on TON in the future


Nasty situation with TON grant/ Мерзкая ситуация с грантом в TON
(In eng below)
Я не планировал делать посты в канале ближайший месяц, так как буду перезапускать канал - да, приготовил кое-что интересное... но неприятная ситуация заставила написать.

В марте мы с товарищем решили сделать какой-нибудь полезный проект в сети TON. Проведя анализ, решили сделать библиотеку на Dart для TON, таким образом сделав TON удобным для для разработчиков кроссплатформенность приложений на Flutter.

Расписав подробно шаги, мы подались на грант. Гранты в тон бывают трёх типов: ОЧЕНЬ большие), средние до 50000$ и маленькие до 5000$(также их называют Footsteps). Footstep одобряют быстро и делает это один человек, средние гранты оценивают несколько человек и по итогу выноситься вердикт.

Мы подали грант в конце марта: ссылка. 20 апреля (да прошло куча времени) получаем первый комментарий - “seems legit..” И так далее. И вот мы уже готовы делать библиотеку и ждём финального апрува….

28 апреля приходит финальное заключение - проект лучше подходит под Footsteps, грант отклоняют, но very welcome в Footsteps).

Захожу я в footsteps и вижу, что кто уже подал наш проект на footsteps с меньшим скоупом работы ровно за день до того как нам пришло финальное заключение и сразу же получил аппрув.( день в день и никаких обсуждений скоупа или суммы выплаты итоговой как это обычно бывает - согласитесь как-то странно).

Конечно же идея не является уникальной, и никаких доказательств, что ребята сначала посмотрели в гранты, нашли проработанную идею, уже помеченную как legit и задемпинговав перенесли её в Footsteps, но тем не менее ситуация какая-то мерзкая… и этим постом я хочу предостеречь читателей, если вы планируете делать что-то связанное с грантами на TON советую подумать, что будет если вашу заявку на грант зареджектят и параллельно скопируют.

P.S через месяц в этом канале начнут выходить посты про технические аспекты криптовалют, туториал и любопытная) аналитика, надеюсь вам понравится 🥺


I did not plan to make posts in the channel for the next month, as I will restart the channel - yes, I prepared something interesting ... but an unpleasant situation forced me to write.

In March, my friend and I decided to make some useful project in the TON network. After analyzing, we decided to make a library on Dart for TON, thus making TON convenient for developers of cross-platform applications on Flutter.

Having painted in detail the steps, we applied for a grant. Tone grants come in three types: VERY large, medium up to $50,000, and small up to $5,000 (also called Footsteps). Footstep is approved quickly and is done by one person, average grants are evaluated by several people and a verdict is issued as a result.

We submitted to the grant at the end of March: link. April 20 (yes, a lot of time has passed) we get the first comment - “seems legit ...” And so on. So we were ready to start developing and were waiting for the final approval….

On April 28, the final conclusion comes - the project is better suited for Footsteps, the grant is rejected, but very welcome in Footsteps).

I go into footsteps and see that someone has already submitted our project for footsteps with a smaller scope of work exactly one day before we received the final conclusion and immediately received an approval (to the day and no discussion of the scope or the amount of the final payment, as is usually the case - agree somehow it is strange).

Of course, the idea is not unique, and there is no evidence that the guys first looked at grants, found a well-developed idea, already marked as legit and dumped it transferred to Footsteps, but nevertheless the situation is kind of vile ... and with this post I want to warn readers, if you are planning to do something related to TON grants, I advise you to think about what will happen if your grant application is rejected and copied in parallel.

P.S in a month, this channel will start publishing posts about the technical aspects of cryptocurrencies, a tutorial and interesting) analytics, I hope you enjoy it

End of the Grant Situation/Концовка ситуации с грантом
(In RU below)
After the situation from the previous post, I contacted the guys in charge of TON Footsteps. And they said they would improve communication between those responsible for the grants and those responsible for the footsteps so that this does not happen.
In parallel with this, Mark wroke to me, he seems to be a devRel in TON, and offered to make a footstep on DART via TON Connect. Actually, here is a library that will allow you to create authorization on TON for cross-platform applications on Flutter.
Well, I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t make tutorials on the library that the team and I developed:
Also there is the example.
P.S I am very pleased that TON reacted to the situation in such a way, because regarding the ecosystem, I'm just a regular developer
P.P.S The channel will be restarted on the first of July

После ситуации из предыдущего поста, я списался с ребятами отвечающих за TON Footsteps. И они сказали, что улучшат коммуникацию между ответственными за гранты и за футстепы, чтобы такого не происходило.
Параллельно с этим мне отписался Марк, он вроде как devRel в TON, и предложил сделать футстеп на DART по TON Connect. Собственно, вот библиотека, которая позволит вам создавать авторизацию на TON для кроссплатформенных приложений на Flutter.
Ну и я бы был не я, если бы не сделал туториалы по библиотеке, которую мы с командой разработали:
Плюс есть пример.
P.S Мне очень приятно, что в TON так отреагировали на ситуацию, т.к. относительно экосистемы я просто обычный разработчик
P.P.S Перезапуск канала будет первого июля

🎬 TON Learn new season

After writing about 15 TON tutorials, I told myself no more tutorials😵‍💫:
- you have to collect information bit by bit: reverse engineering of open source projects, search for information smeared with a thin layer according to documentation
- the topics of the TON tutorials are narrow, and a lot of effort and time invested bring little results
- when publishing tutorials or articles about the technical side of crypto, you come across a negative. Blockchain is perceived by many not as a technology, but as some kind of endless scam

But on the one hand🫲, spending time looking for some ideas for projects or just figuring out for myself how it works, I have accumulated a lot of code examples and notes.

On the other hand🫱, the technical side of TON has some elegance, which we are gradually acquiring with convenient development tools, which were sorely lacking a year ago.

Therefore, I realized that I wanted to update the lessons so that they were written for new convenient development tools🛠. And also add articles that would turn the FunC lessons into a full-fledged TON course covering the main topics for beginners.

Therefore, the followingarticles will be published on the channel:
- Development of smart contracts in the blueprint environment, we will figure out how to compile contracts, how to write jest tests inside, we will figure out how to consider transactions inside and write on chain tests
- We will figure out how to receive data from TON without an intermediary via ADNL protocol
And consider the patterns of working with the c4 register through global variables, as well as convenient patterns for working with the balance of a smart contract
- A couple of tutorials for TON Connect React UI to understand how to make a simple ui for your smart contract in 10 minutes

I call the block of articles described above a season 🍂, gradually accumulating information, I will be releasing such technical seasons.

Between seasons, I will write my notes about TON and blockchain technology in general(for example, over the past 4 months, I have gained a lot of experience in getting data from TON and I have something to show you).

Under the articles will be twitter 🧵 threads🧵, I will be glad for your support there.

Early next week, the first article will be published, in which:
- we create a project in ton-community/sandbox
- write a simple smart contract there
- compile the contract with ton-community/func-js

TON Smart Contract Pipeline Part 1 - write simple contract and compile it

Writing a high-quality smart contract is a 🔄 cyclical process - we write a piece of logic, then we test it, add logic, then we test it again.

The Blueprint development environment 🛠 makes this process convenient. The first thing to start with is writing the smart contract code and compiling it.

Let's see how to compile a FunC smart contract using the Blueprint component - func-js 💻.


If you would like to support the release of articles, I would be grateful if you repost the twitter thread about this article, it will help to show it to more people.

🧵 Thread 🧵

NFT wash trading in Telegram Usernames

The lack of normal regulation of the crypto market makes it a testing ground for all possible scam mechanics. A 2022 study showed that about 45% of the volume of NFT blockchain EVM transactions are part of the wash trading.

Given such a large percentage, I became interested in how things are with TON and I decided to apply filters from the study to find wash transactions in the largest TON NFT collection - Telegram Usernames

NFT laundering is the resale of NFTs between controlled wallets for subsequent profit, you can read more about this in the articles below.

To search for money wash transactions, we will use the hildobby method, which consists of four filters, which we will discuss below.

The data source will be the indexer, from which we will receive information. I note that the results in this article are relevant as of 08/24/2023, but they can always be updated through the script.

In total, as of 08/24/2023, there were 109158 sales in the TG Usernames collection with a volume of 57143316 TON, which is about $80,572,075 as of the date.

Let's move on to filters:

Filter 1: Buyer = Seller

Reselling a collection element to itself is clearly unnatural behavior. Therefore, the first filter looks for deals where the seller is equal to the buyer when selling NFTs. The results are as follows:

Filter 2: Back & Forth Trades

You can resell items not only between the same wallet, a simple strategy is to trade the same NFT between two different wallets, sending it back and forth.

Filter 3: Bought NFTs 3x

Since some unscrupulous NFT sellers create chains to resell items, there are money laundering deals that bypass the previous filters. Therefore, it is convenient to consider all transactions where one and the same owner repeats one and the same owner three or more times as money laundering.

The author of the technique emphasizes that this filter is not optimal, but the importance of this filter outweighs its disadvantages.

Filter 4. Buyer & Seller First Funded by Same Wallet

To save time, wallets used for fictitious trading are often funded by the same wallet or each other. The filter will check each buyer and seller for who sent them the first transaction.

If it is the same wallet (or different), then it is marked as a laundering trade.

Total Result:

Total sale in the collection: 109158

Transactions that fell under the filters: 3957

Percentage from all deals: 3.63 %

Filter trade Volume: 592680 TON ~ 835678 dollars

Percentage from Total Sales: 1.04 %

You can read more about the methodology and wash trading + Percentages by each filter:


Link to a script that can be reused for other collections:

Github LINK

!Attention!, the code is not optimal, improve if you want

Writing such technical articles is not another repost of news or advertising of scam projects, it is quite difficult and labor-intensive, I will be grateful if you support by liking the article, send this post to someone who is interested and support by reposting or liking this article on Twitter:

🧵 Thread

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