Lecturers commitment towards student academic performance

14 Feb 2024

Lecturers Commitment towardsStudents Academic Performance: a Regression
Abstract:The commitment of academics staffs towards students’ academic performance has been a topic of intense
interest during the last decades. Most of the applied research haveemployed a first order and Rasch modelanalysis
which manifest variablesthatserve as indicators of the trait level at each time of measurement and validity process of
the instrument. This paper examinedthe issues regarding the multidimensionality of accounting lecturers
commitmenttowards students’ academic performance inNigeria.A quantitative methodanalysiswas used on thedata
obtained from the selected Nigerian Universityin evaluatingtheir commitment to student academic performance. The
data wasanalysed using multipleregression analysis through the application of statistical package for social sciences
Version 21.0. Our findings showedthat the multidimensionality ofcommitmentare strong determinants of students’
academic performance.
Keywords:lecturers Commitment, regressionanalysis,students’ academic performance
1. Introduction
Improving the level of lecturers’ commitment has been the primary goal ofinstitution of higher
learning for the pastdecades(Sadler, 2005). Most especially, when studies have linked the
accounting lecturers commitment to students’academic performance. This isparticularly true, in
higher institutions of where there is little or no difference of course offered.
The obligation of the university management and lecturers of the higher institution of to impart
their strategies to achieve the best out of the student for their academic performance. Bojuwon
and Bojuwon (2015) identifiedfour dimension of lecturer’scommitment whicharelecturer’s
commitment to teaching, lecturer’s commitment to students, lecturer’s commitment to schools,
and lecturer’scommitment to professions usingconfirmatory factor analysis.
However, there appears to be a common decision on the fact that thelecturer’scommitment to
the successful academic performance of studentdepend on the higher institutional setting, and
the academic environment with empirical and grounded theoretical evidence pointing out the
rational factor as a universal dimension.
Thus, the contribution made by accounting lecturers in promoting Nigerian educational system
are echoedin their commitment to student, commitment to their studyenvironment,
commitment to school and commitment to their professional career (Anyanwu, 2010; Thien &
Razak, 2014; Thien, Razak, & Ramayah, 2014). The effort made by the lecturers are foundto
have an influence on the academic performanceof a student (Adeyemi & Adeyemi, 2014). Over
the years, a substantial empirical analysis focused on lecturer’s turnover intention which has to
do with the departure of lecturers from one tertiary institution to another (Travers & Cooper,
This study istherefore organized in the following sequence. The literature review, which
focuseson the levelofaccounting lecturer’scommitment to student academic performancein
the higher institutionand the dimension of accounting lecturers commitment to students’
academic performance are reviewed and well-structured in this paper. This is followed by the
methodology in a regression equation form. The analysis section illustrates the demographic
profile of the respondentandmultiple regression analysis of the paper. The last part provides the
discussion of result, conclusionof the paperwith some policy implications in the real world as well as givensuggestions for further study. Hence, the level of lecturer’s commitment lead to
successfulstudents’ academic performance in Nigeria.
2.Literature Review
2.1Lecturers Commitment to students
In the study carried out bySonsteng, Ward, Bruce, and Petersen (2007)explained thatlecturers
who are committed to their students would have a positive engagement with their student
through hard work.This can be done in the lecture room and by introducing anew academicway
of lecturing like practical skill and effective methodusing information technology tools. Thien
etal. (2014)Lecturers‘commitmentin tertiary institution issaid to be a grounded idea of
lecturers with high expectation and success of the student. Yorke and Longden (2004)claimed
thatlecturers’ commitment to student influence the student success by way of not understanding
the student, low level of patience and frustration with the school. Thus, lecturers’ commitment
to students in this study is conceptualized as lecturers’ involvement or responsibility in student
success in a tertiary institution.
RQ:Is there relationship betweenaccountinglecturers’commitment to students and student
academic performance?
RO:To examine the relationship between accounting lecturers’ commitment to students and
students’ academic performance
H1: There is a significant positive relationship between accounting lecturers commitment to
student’ and student’s academic performance
2.2Lecturers Commitment to Teaching
In this study, lecturer’s commitment to teachingis abstracted as a psychological link between
lecturers and their teaching. The echoes over lecturers willingness to employ their effort in
giving effective teachingis subject to bestow more time to student in order to achieve a high
level of academic success (Silva, 2005). Commitment to teachingin tertiary institution play a
significant role in defining how long the lecturer remains as an academician or in the academic
field(Oni, 2012).
In conclusion, lecturers’ commitment to teachingis conceptualized as locators’ willingness to
engage in academic job. Lecturers commitment to their teachingwork is the process by which
each person shows how they seriously engaged with lecturing (Rawls & Herman, 2009).
Hence, with these definitions, it may perhaps be concluded that lecturers that are strongly
committed to their work would have a significant positive sense towards it teaching ability than
those with less commitment to teaching.
RQ:What is the relationship between accounting lecturers commitment to teachingand student
academic performance?
RO:To analysethe relationship between lecturers’ commitment to teachingand students’
academic performance
H1: There is a significant relationship between lecturers commitment to teaching’ and student’
academic performance
2.3 Lecturers Commitment to school
Lecturers commitment to their institution (university) has been defined and measured by
Coladarci (1992)and compared with other dimensions of the lecturers commitment variable.
Adeyemi and Adeyemi (2014)examine commitment of the lecturers to schools by the lecturer
at both the nature and effects on the university achievement. The finding of Brophy and Good (1984)showedthat lecturers have a positive significant on organization when they are
effectively committed to the goal of the organization such as the academic field which we are
researching on now. Moreso, lecturers who are highly committed to its institutionare expected
to engage in theactivities to achieve the goals of the university. Thus, we abstracted that
accounting lecturers’ commitment as the confidence and recognition of the university values
and norms for the strong desires toclean up to the university reputation.
:Is there relationship between accounting lecturers commitment to profession and student
academic performance?
: To explore the relationship betweenaccountinglecturers’ commitment to profession and
students’academic performance
:There is significant positive relationship betweenaccountinglecturers commitment to
profession and student’ academic performance
2.4Lecturers Commitment to profession
In the view of Rice (1986), lecturers commitment to their profession is the process where “one’s
attitudes are linked towards one’s profession” vocation and specialization”. Jepsen, Varhegyi,
and Edwards (2012)define commitment to the profession as the progress of individual
occupational goals and determination that is accompanied with its success. The involvement of
lecturers commitment to professional involvement has a positive effect to the profession or
livelihood which relates to lecturers identification and satisfaction (Ekundayo, 2008).
The element of accounting lecturers commitment to theirprofession is imperative because it
facilitates the individual person to establish the desirable ability and association to attain
successful academic carrier irrespective of the academic environment (Langely & Jacobs,
2014). It also abstracted as the potency of lecturers’ enthusiasm and participation to work and
to progress in their area of expertise, understanding and lecturing capability.Overall, variables
of lecturers’ commitment are important in the academic setting and are significantto
accomplish the university goals, improve lecturers’ level of professionalism and follow changes
in lecturing practices. Hence, it is evidence that the four factor solution of lectures commitment
is employed to validate lecturer commitment scale.
RQ:What is the relationshipbetweenaccountinglecturers commitment to schooland student
academic performance?
RO:To accessthe relationship betweenaccountinglecturers’ commitment to schooland
students’ academic performance
H1: There is a significant positive relationshipbetweenaccountinglecturers commitment to
schooland student’ academic performance

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