Newgrange: A Prehistoric Wonder

23 Feb 2024

Newgrange is a prehistoric megalithic tomb located in Meath, Ireland. Estimated to have been built around 3200 BC, Newgrange is even older than the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt and is considered one of the most impressive megalithic structures in Europe.
Structure of Newgrange
Newgrange is a circular mound 70 meters in diameter and 13 meters high. The mound consists of mud bricks and stones. At the entrance of the mound is a large stone slab with intricate carvings. These carvings consist of geometric patterns such as spirals, zigzags and lozenges.
Newgrange's Interior
The entrance to Newgrange is connected to the main burial chamber by a 19 meter long tunnel. The main room is a circular room with a diameter of 6 meters and a height of 5 meters. The walls of the room are covered with stone slabs, and these slabs are also decorated with carvings. In the middle of the room, there is a pool made of stone.
Importance of Newgrange
Newgrange is important not only because it is an impressive building, but also from an astronomical point of view. Every year on the winter solstice, sunlight penetrates through the tunnel, reaches the main chamber and illuminates the inside of the pool. This event symbolizes the rebirth of the sun and the beginning of spring.
Newgrange is an important monument that shows how far prehistoric people had come in astronomy and architecture. Newgrange, which is on the UNESCO World Heritage List, is visited by thousands of tourists every year.
Visiting Newgrange
Newgrange is open to visitors every day. Visitors can tour the inside of the tomb by taking guided tours. It is possible to reach Newgrange from Dublin by bus or car.
Interesting Facts About Newgrange

  • Carvings on the stone slab at the entrance to Newgrange are thought to show the positions of the sun, moon and stars.
  • It is estimated that the stones used to build Newgrange were brought from a quarry 50 kilometers away.
  • Newgrange was used not only as a tomb but also as a place of religious ceremony.

Newgrange is a fascinating place that tells us a lot about the beliefs and customs of prehistoric people. By visiting this unique monument, you can open a window to the mysteries of the past.

Images of Newgrange

Newgrange Mound
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Newgrange Entrance Stone
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Newgrange Tunnel
Newgrange Main Room
Newgrange Pool
Newgrange Winter Solstice
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View from Newgrange
Megalithic Art at Newgrange
Archaeological Excavations at Newgrange
Newgrange Visitor Center

Of course, Newgrange is an important megalithic structure dating back to the Neolithic period, located in the area of ​​Ireland known as Brú na Bóinne. This structure is among the oldest megalithic structures in the world and shows that prehistoric people had advanced architectural and astronomical knowledge. Here are some of the mysterious and interesting features of Newgrange:

Date and Place

Newgrange is located in the archaeological site of Brú na Bóinne, on the east coast of Ireland, near County Meath. B.C. It was built between 3200 and 3100 BC, which means it predates the Pyramids of Giza and Stonehenge by thousands of years. This makes Newgrange among the oldest structures in human history.

Building and Architecture

Newgrange is a huge tumulus created by placing large stone blocks. The structure is characterized by rooms and passages inside. It is buried under a large grass hill and therefore appears as a tumulus from the outside. The roof of the main room is covered with large stone blocks and its interior is closed to visitors.

Astronomical Connections

One of the most striking features of Newgrange is the way the sun's rays are directed into the main entrance at the winter solstice. This shows people's interest in astronomy at the time the megalithic structure was built, and possibly the importance of the sun to their agricultural calendar. When the sun's rays reach the stone cavity above the entrance, they illuminate the rooms inside, adding a mystical atmosphere to the structure.

Cultural and Religious Importance

Newgrange was probably a building used for religious or ritual purposes. It is thought that societies in the Neolithic period used such structures for mass graves, rituals or astronomical observations. Thus, Newgrange is considered a reflection of the cultural and religious beliefs of that time.

Visit and Protection

Today, Newgrange is open to visitors, but visits are controlled and only by guided tours. This helps prevent damage to the structure and ensure the protection of the sensitive historic site. Along with other megalithic structures in Ireland, Newgrange is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Newgrange is one of the important milestones in human history and is still a major attraction for archaeologists, astronomers and history buffs today.

The mystery of Newgrange has not been completely solved, but much knowledge and understanding about the structure has been developed. Research and excavations show that Newgrange was used as an important ritual and astronomical center during the Neolithic period. However, there are still some unknowns and debates about the structure.
For example, exactly how Newgrange was built and its function in its interior is still not fully understood. Additionally, further research and excavation of the structure is required, which may help gain greater knowledge and understanding in the future.
As a result, research on Newgrange continues and this mysterious structure cannot be said to be completely solved. However, the information and findings obtained continue to shed light on human history and the cultural and religious practices of the Neolithic period.

Newgrange: A Neolithic Wonder

In the Meath region of Ireland, an ancient mystery rises: Newgrange. It is known that this magnificent Neolithic structure is important for many researchers and archaeologists, shedding light on human history. Various theories have been put forward about Newgrange's architecture, its association with astronomy, and its purpose.

History and Discovery

Newgrange was discovered by William Petty in 1699, but our understanding of what exactly the structure was began to evolve in the 1960s. In 1962, while examining the structure, Professor Michael J. O'Kelly discovered that sunlight regularly penetrated the interior at a specific point on a specific date. This discovery led to the theory that Newgrange might have an astronomical function.

Building and Architecture

Newgrange is built in the form of a mound and is approximately 80 meters in diameter and 13 meters high. It is inside a large round tumulus built with stones. The entrance is protected by a passage made of large stone blocks. After this, a long corridor leads to an auditorium with three rooms in the middle.

Astronomical Connection

One of the most striking features of Newgrange is the play of light in the interior and the sun sending a direct beam of light into the interior on certain days of the year. However, research shows that Newgrange was designed to be able to track not only sunrise but also other astronomical events.

Ritual and Religious Connections

Some researchers suggest that Newgrange was used for some kind of ritual or religious purpose. The interior cavities and burial chambers support this type of use. Additionally, human and animal bones found during excavations suggest that this place may have been a specific ritual area.

Other Theories

Many different theories have been put forward about Newgrange's purpose and use. These include theories such as an observatory for astronomical observations, a center for religious or cultural ceremonies, or a burial ground for prominent members of society. However, limited information about the structure makes it difficult to make a definitive statement.


Newgrange is an important part of not only Irish but world history. This structure, one of the mysterious and complex structures of the Neolithic period, offers important clues about the past of humanity and its cultural and religious beliefs. However, the unknowns about this structure represent an exciting area for future research.

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