Why can't we eradicate polio?

21 Sept 2024

Polio or poliomyelitis is world wide disease in which virus attacks on legs one or both mainly with effect from spinal cord and did disability. This virus can be move from one indi byvidual to other one or may also spread by using the different things of patient like eating , drinking pots , clothes , hair comb etc.

Last night I was listening the news bulletin on TV where one news was about polio virus found in one child again in northern province. Since from my childhood I am listening about polio virus in Pakistan.

My younger sister is LHV ( lady health visitor ) in health department and she mainly did polio virus vaccination campaign at door to door. The main target to give vaccination under age 5 kids. She was here in my home and I asked her same question that after three decades still we could not control over polio and why we can't claim our country polio free?

She said ," brother ,there are lot of reasons behind this story.

  • Our own neglence
  • Greediness
  • Illiteracy
  • Baseless traditions
  • Unworthy religious beliefs
  • Unauthenticated minds
  • Open national borders.

are main reasons behind our failure that we could not control the virus. She explained,

This virus found in Pakistan in 1974 but from 1995 we are behind it to wash out from our country but unfortunately We could not give that importance to it which it requires. Although in recent years our security institutions , army helps us a lot to do vaccination all over the country but earlier no coordination between departments. Some time due the neglence the cold chain of vaccine broken and it spoiled and some times health officials didn't care of it.

The high officials of health department wants to continue these campaigns to get more funds from donors like bill gates Foundation. Everyone knows that they are in offices due to this virus. Once polio free announcement happened, may they loose their jobs and luxurious office. So they falls in greediness and dragging it long further to secure own purposes of job.

Illiteracy is another factor behind it. It is very hard to explain its benifits to illitrate population and normally they hide the kids on our arrival. They think it is population control cell which will reduce the chances of new births.

Baseless traditions.
In some parts of the country they bounded with local tradition as they not allowed girls to comes out. They can't bear that some one touch to kids , they thinks the polio disease didn't exist and it is only drama by government to get the identification only.

Unworthy religious beliefs.
Our uneducated religious scholars spreading fake news about the vaccination and innocent people has believe on what they said. So a mindset has been developed that this vaccination is from our enemies like USA or Western Union. What more I will say , they are using mobile phone , electronic items and lot of other things manufacturers in those countries then has no problems , the problem came on vaccine only.

Unauthenticated mindsets.
Lot of people has mindset that all the diseases are from Almighty God and He is the one ho cure. If any problem , sickness written in our destiny that will come sure so why we go for vaccination. I agree that everything is from God but He gives us mind , brain to think and utilise it against any pandemic.

Open national borders.
We have more then 1400km open borders with Afghanistan and Iran. People traveling across the borders on daily basis with very low quality investigation. This human trafficking making difficult to control the polio virus. Because once person gone to Afghanistan , Iran or India , we can't recognise the virus on arrival back.

If we want to make our country polio free then we must ensure to eliminate above mentioned points. We are enough compatible to cover it but again it is not in my hands , purely it is in higher health official's hands.

That's all for today. Like , upvote and leave comment for feedback. I always appreciate for your time to visit my article and write your thoughts.

Note: The article also published on my read.cash wall.
The lead image taken from healthypolicy


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