Berachain Testnet

28 Oct 2024

Good morning/evening
I am writing today about testnets. I have started with a few testnets and not followed them all the way through but one I have stuck with for a long time is Berachain. Now my initial thoughts were that it looked a bit, well silly, but it was easy enough to do and so I would spend 5 mins most days using the site. Berachain also pops up every now and then as 'one to do' so when it switched from Berachain Artio to Berachain Bartio I continued using the testnest and still am.
What is Berachain
Berachain is a blockchain that is fully compatible with EVM (Ethereum Virtual machine) and built on a PoL (Proof of Liquidity) consensus. Berachain has raised a massive $42M in funding from investors like Polychain Capital and dao5 and has confirmed to launch their own token, BERA. Users who try out the testnet will likely become eligible for a BERA airdrop when the token goes live.
Who is behind Berachain
Berachain was founded by a pseudonymous team, with key members being Smokey the Bera, Dev Bear, and Papa Bear. These founders initially started with the Bong Bears NFT collection, which laid the groundwork for the current Berachain ecosystem. Now I hate projects without real people without real names and I know nothing about the NFT collection but I am not spending money so we shall see. The community is active and there are a lot of them. I don't think I could interview someone wearing a bear mask! 
Wen mainnet
Apparently, later this year.
How do you use the testnet  
Go to the faucet and collect your testnet tokens, you will need to have at least 0.001 ETH in your wallet to be able to claim from the faucet. You can claim 1 Bera every 8 hours.  
Then you will need to go to the Bex/Dex swap some tokens and use all the apps. The main tokens of Berachain are 

  • Honey, Berachains stablecoin.
  • BGT, Berachain Governance Token that can be earned by validators and distributed as rewards for staking.
  • Bera, Berachains gas token.



As it is a PoL (Proof of Liquidity) I have been supplying liquidity (In the hope of an airdrop) I have supplied liquidity to two pools so far and will just keep adding until I reach a reasonable amount and then add to a third pool and so on.

I have also used Berps/Perps and made a few trades, there isn't a huge choice but hey, it is testnet money, I have just used all of the apps shown above to try and increase my chances of an airdrop, which is not guaranteed but everyone is hopeful! There are many other apps and NFTs you can buy that will possibly improve your chances of an airdrop but I have not tried any of these.
Have you used any testnets? Was it worth it? Are you using the Berachain Testnet? I would love to hear your thoughts.
As always, thank you for reading and please feel free to comment.

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