๐น๐๐ฅ๐๐ ๐๐๐น๐๐๐ช ๐๐๐๐ฅ โ๐๐ผ - I found More ๐๐ข๐๐ฆ in a place few people look
Time flies when others are having fun. Not that I had no fun these during the four weeks we did not meet. Itยดs just been soo busy. Still, I had another interesting noob find!
There I was clicking around looking for more GODS. It worked last month so I was hoping to find more Gods In A Godless Place and I found myself a store.So I bought this Furry thingy just to see if it sold.....
And it did, it did again, and once more.
Now I have no clue what these star bits should be worth but I gladly turn them into GODS tokens. I mean what else am I gonna do with 500K Starbits
So I went back a day later or so and I found these...
Those are like 90% cheaper than Fury, but do they sell? I tried one and it Sold in 50 seconds. So I bought a few more.
They sold as if they were free...
I think I was playing against someone because I sold like 5 in 5 minutes.Then the market went silent again.
So I decided to have a look when I woke up:All the barricades I had left sold overnight, seriously does nobody know about this Star Store????
Seeing Dollar Signs
So I took my butt back to the store because those barricades wouldnยดt be on the shelf for long...Hmm only 3 deals today, I found that those deals change quite quickly and that I had only 19 more hours to buy me some more barricades.
Now Yesterday I was like donยดt overdo it, donยดt get greedy, people reading this will not appreciate a greedy baby.
But Greed Got The Best Of Me...No, just kidding.
It was not about greed. I just wanted to know if I could buy 15 of them so I could tell you about it.
You know my friend, sheยดs a Bitch and her name is Karma, and of course, my not greedy action got punished by the bitch.
I made yet another Rookie Mistake. I did not check what was on sale in the marketplace.Some Peeps must have seen that prices went up 40% overnight and put theirs up for sale flooding the market...just like I did yesterday. And the next day was even crazier.
Thatยดs what inflation does even in GU.
Lesson One: better be early on the star market, and sell out before the masses start dropping their NFTS.
Now I am stuck with 15 Barricades, well it could be worse.
In 19 hours the star store runs out of Barricades and based on the fact I sold 15 in one day I think that a week from now I probably got rid of most of them.
And for some reason, these sellers do not move up a tier...but I did.But three weeks later, I still am holding quite a few:
That is not the case for Fury.
I noticed that this more expensive NFT did not make the market dump as much, only 10% or so overnight. So I lowered my prices a little for now.It took a while before the market recovered but within three weeks I sold another 4 Furies, and no barricades.
Now does this make me money?
....ehh no I made 4 GODS in the first weekend.
And 14 GODS after three weeks.
I spend 350K starbits.
Now I do hold a lot still in my inventory and Fury might have shown that the market recovered quite quickly.
Did I have fun?
Hell Yeah, almost as much fun as winning 8 games in one night.
Did I do the Math?
Do the math 12.5 star bits for 0.3 on a Fury vs 1800 star bits for 0.2 on a Barricade. The expensive NFTS do not automatically generate more revenue.
The high price does seem to ensure the markets do not get as flooded as with the cheaper cards.
Currently, I spend 300K for 14 GODS hence 21.5K startbits is one GODS token, but that is very likely to get better over time when my inventory diminishes.
Lessons Learned
Be Early: Like I was with this one!Check the price: Before buying more make sure the market is not flooded
Sell low and sell fast: Like I did with the barricades
Calculate: Try to at least make 1 GODS for every 21.5K starbits
Was buying Fury a mistake, financially maybe 25K Starbits only made me 0.666 GODS
Maybe Barricade was a banger?
Maybe I got really lucky and early, selling my Summonerยดs Guide?
I will keep an eye on it all and next month I will let you know how the longer time results are.
Oh and one more Lesson Learned, buy before the store runs out of stock on Monday Morning!
Show Me The Money
Normally I just compare one month against the other, but this month weยดll do a three-month comparison.
ETH is down for the first time since I started show me the money, guess that was in the cards.
What was not in the cards was me making less GODS this month.
Game Plan
But I kinda know why I am below average. Even with selling from the star store, I did not have a lot of inventory. It getting there and if I have some time this weekend I already saw some fun stuff to forge.
On top of that, I did not stick to my eight-games-a-night average plan.
I have been playing for a year, and I am still addicted. Itยดs just that for some reason my nights seem to be shorter.
Does it matter, nah life happens and I am still going strong. Still aiming at getting back to that 8 games a night average. And I have been dangling around rank 8 a lot lately, so overall I am still in the game.
See you next month, and who knows I might make another great noob discovery!
Thank goodness you made it till the end Pees, Love and I am out of here
More of my Noob Advice:
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