Brush Up on Your Crypto Slang

10 Jun 2024

The cryptocurrency market has developed its own unique vernacular, filled with slang terms that can be confusing to newcomers.

Understanding this jargon is essential for navigating the crypto world, participating in discussions, and making informed investment decisions.

This article explores the most popular and essential crypto slang terms, shedding light on their meanings and usage.

Common Crypto Slang Terms


HODL is arguably the most famous term in the crypto community. Originating from a misspelled word in a 2013 Bitcoin forum post titled "I AM HODLING," it has since become a backronym for "Hold On for Dear Life." HODL refers to the strategy of holding onto cryptocurrency investments for the long term, regardless of market volatility.

Usage: Investors who HODL believe in the long-term potential of their assets and avoid selling during market downturns.


FOMO stands for "Fear Of Missing Out." It describes the anxiety investors feel when they see the price of a cryptocurrency rising rapidly and fear they will miss out on potential profits.

Usage: FOMO can lead to impulsive buying decisions, often at peak prices, driven by the fear of missing out on further gains.


FUD stands for "Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt." It refers to negative information, rumors, or opinions spread intentionally or unintentionally to create fear and uncertainty about a particular cryptocurrency or the market in general.
Usage: FUD can cause panic selling and significant price drops, as investors react to the spread of negative sentiment.

- Whale

A whale is an individual or entity that holds a large amount of cryptocurrency. Whales have the potential to influence market prices due to the sheer volume of their holdings and their trading activities.
Usage: Whales can cause significant market movements by buying or selling large amounts of cryptocurrency, often leading to speculation and volatility.

Trading and Investment Terms

- Bagholder

A bagholder is someone who continues to hold onto a cryptocurrency that has significantly dropped in value, hoping for a future recovery. Bagholders often find themselves stuck with worthless or near-worthless tokens.
Usage: Investors who refuse to sell their depreciated assets, despite continuous losses, are often referred to as bagholders.

- Shill

Shilling involves promoting or endorsing a particular cryptocurrency, often in a deceptive or exaggerated manner, to create hype and attract investors. Shills can be found across social media platforms and forums.
Usage: Be wary of shills who might exaggerate the potential of a cryptocurrency to drive up its price for personal gain.

- Pump and Dump

Pump and dump schemes involve artificially inflating the price of a cryptocurrency through coordinated buying (pump) and then selling off the holdings at the inflated price (dump), causing the price to plummet.
Usage: Pump and dump schemes are illegal in traditional markets but are a common risk in the unregulated crypto space.

Behavioral and Market Sentiment Terms

- Moon

When a cryptocurrency is said to be "mooning," it means its price is skyrocketing or expected to rise significantly. The term is derived from the phrase "to the moon," signifying substantial price appreciation.
Usage: Investors often use "moon" to describe their optimistic expectations for a cryptocurrency's future performance.


REKT is slang for "wrecked," describing a severe financial loss or ruin due to poor investment decisions or extreme market volatility.
Usage: Traders who experience significant losses might say they got REKT in the market.


BTFD stands for "Buy The F***ing Dip." It is an encouragement to purchase a cryptocurrency when its price drops, based on the belief that the dip is temporary and the price will recover.
Usage: Seasoned investors often advise newcomers to BTFD during market corrections to capitalize on lower prices.

Technical and Functional Terms

- Altcoin

Altcoin refers to any cryptocurrency other than Bitcoin. The term is short for "alternative coin," highlighting the existence of alternative options in the cryptocurrency market.
Usage: Popular altcoins include Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP), and Litecoin (LTC).

- Satoshi (Sat)

A Satoshi is the smallest unit of Bitcoin, equivalent to 0.00000001 BTC. Named after Bitcoin's pseudonymous creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, this unit allows for microtransactions in the Bitcoin network.
Usage: When dealing with small amounts of Bitcoin, transactions are often measured in Satoshis.

- Gas

Gas refers to the fee required to conduct a transaction or execute a contract on the Ethereum network. Gas fees compensate miners for the computational power needed to process and validate transactions.
Usage: High gas fees can make Ethereum transactions costly during periods of network congestion.

Community and Social Interaction Terms

- OG

OG stands for "Original Gangster," a term borrowed from hip-hop culture to describe early adopters or veterans in the cryptocurrency space. OGs are often respected for their knowledge and experience.
Usage: OGs in the crypto community are those who invested in Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies during their early stages.

- Noob

Noob is a derogatory term for a newcomer or inexperienced participant in the crypto market. It is derived from "newbie" and often implies a lack of knowledge or understanding.
Usage: Noobs are often cautioned to educate themselves thoroughly before investing in cryptocurrencies.

- Lambo

"Lambo" is shorthand for Lamborghini, a high-end luxury car brand. In the crypto community, it symbolizes the wealth and success that many investors hope to achieve. The phrase "When Lambo?" is often used to ask when significant profits can be expected.
Usage: Crypto enthusiasts use "Lambo" as a humorous benchmark for financial success.

Crypto Market Dynamics


ATH stands for "All-Time High." It refers to the highest price ever reached by a cryptocurrency.
Usage: Traders often monitor ATH levels to gauge market performance and potential resistance points.


ATL stands for "All-Time Low." It denotes the lowest price ever recorded for a cryptocurrency.
Usage: ATL levels can indicate significant buying opportunities if investors believe the price will recover.

- Stablecoin

Stablecoins are cryptocurrencies designed to minimize price volatility by pegging their value to a stable asset, such as the US dollar or gold.
Usage: Common stablecoins include Tether (USDT), USD Coin (USDC), and Binance USD (BUSD).


Understanding crypto slang is crucial for navigating the complex and dynamic world of cryptocurrency. These terms encapsulate the culture, behaviors, and nuances of the crypto market, offering insights into the strategies and sentiments of its participants. Whether you are a seasoned investor or a newcomer, familiarizing yourself with this jargon can enhance your ability to communicate effectively, make informed decisions, and engage more deeply with the crypto community. As the market continues to evolve, staying updated on the latest terminology and trends will remain essential for success in the ever-changing landscape of cryptocurrency.

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