Leslie Pt 2

17 Dec 2022

What will I write today?

It was a lot she had been through, and it was really hurtful, I clenched my fists and prepared for a fight, but she didn't want to take any action, whether legal or illegal.
I tried to follow up with Leslie, I had pity for the young beautiful lady. she said she was done with him, or rather, he left her, and was ready to move on. I thought it was a good idea too, U mean, she's the girl of my dreams, if only I was that toxic.

I didn't follow her back to her apartment, even after tons of shots of vodka despite all the flirts and signals. She was far more important to me than a one-night stand, so even when we were lodging at two opposite parts of the city, I took her home and met her Roomie, Rachel. There I left her in safe hands, and I hoped she'd feel better, more than how I left her.

We kept meeting and speaking for a while until she ghosted me again, I wondered why she was always missing when I felt we had we had chemistry. I hoped to see her again, and I did,

Leslie was worse than she was at then train station...
I really prayed she didn't go back.

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